Monday, April 26, 2010
From The Onion:
'South Park' Creators Threatened By Extremists
In response to a South Park episode in which the Prophet Muhammad appears in a bear costume, the radical Muslim website hinted that the TV show’s creators would end up like murdered Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh. What do you think?
Alex Weber,
Systems Analyst
"This ultimately boils down to a very thorny question of intercultural sensitivity: Should Islamic extremists be allowed to kill whoever they want?"
Carla Davidson,
Nitrator Operator
"It scares me when people don't think bears are hilarious."
Doug Reber,
"The 23rd Surah of the Quran explicitly describes the Prophet receiving Allah's word while wearing a bear suit for his niece's fourth birthday party, so I'm not sure where the offense is."
"Blind Orange" Julius,
Blog Idiot
"There's a lot of ways I could go here, but the most obvious one is: 'Oh my God! You killed Trey and Matt! You Bastards!'"
Labels: Stuff From The Onion