Friday, February 15, 2008
Asian Markets Fall Like Cherry Blossoms In Gentle Spring Rain
From The Onion:
TOKYO, HONG KONG, SEOUL—Asian stocks closed one of the worst and most mournfully reflective months on record last week, with the falling American dollar negatively impacting trade volume and causing the markets to drift, like the faded cherry petals of spring blossoms, downward towards the shadowed sea of burgeoning recession, Eastern market analysts warned Monday."Our worst monthly drop
rate cuts make investors flee
to commodities"
Nikkei Index vice commissioner Fukako Mishima said, claiming job creation by Mitsubishi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Sony failed to provide confidence in a market already as skittish as the aging husband of a teenage bride, forcing investors to shore up cash reserves with orders of durable goods and agricultural products."Fading dollar's gleam
a feeble warning beacon
Seek bellies of pork."
Any humor that includes haiku is OK with me...
Labels: Stuff From The Onion