Monday, June 18, 2007
Spam of the Week
. Vous concevez, dit Jonas ; comme son habitude est de se moquer toujours du monde, je sais d.avance qu.elle va rire ou en faire semblant. Mais vous pouvez lui dire que je parle serieusement, ma cousine ; vous le pouvez, n.est-il pas vrai ? Vous lui declarerez que vous etiez instruite de la chose. Vous agirez d.une maniere honorable, j.en suis sur, . ajouta-t-il d.un ton persuasif.
Poor translation courtesy of Babel Fish:
. You conceive, says Jonas; as its practice is to always make fun of the world, I know d.avance qu.elle will laugh or make some seeming. But you can say to him that I speak seriously, my cousin; you, n.est it can it not true? You will declarerez to him that you etiez educated of the thing. You will act d.une honourable manner, j.en am on. it added d.un your persuasive.
So the poor spelling, grammar and absolute pointlessness of spam translates into French as well? It's nice to know that some things are universal...
Labels: Spam of the Week