Wednesday, February 22, 2006



All will bow before the power that is JUNGDOU!
So I'm logging onto the computer at work to enroll in my benefits, insurance and the like. We have a self-service type of thing which, considering what absolute screw-ups HR is here, I prefer greatly. Our log in for that program is different than the dozens of other log ins I deal with on a daily basis. I was instructed to use the first four letters of my last name combined with the first three of my first name.


I have no idea what JUNGDOU! is, but it seems pretty cool to me. I haven't decided whether JUNGDOU! is a city in China or a rarely practice martial art, all I know is that somehow, I long to be involved in the magic that is JUNGDOU! On the other hand, JUNGDOU! may be a Pokemon charachter in which case I'd have to rethink my new-found blind devotion to all that is JUNGDOU! No way, JUNGDOU! is way too cool to be something so lame. At least I imagine it to be way too cool to be something so lame. Maybe it's a Taiwanese malt liquor. Maybe it's that stuff I had at the Chinese buffet today. Maybe it's a little known warlord from the T'ang dynasty. It's gotta be cool. I'm inexplicably drawn to all that is JUNGDOU! I guess if this whole BOJ thing doesn't work out I've got a new nom-de-blog


Jungdou is the yet to be understood phenomenon when WwtK spontaneaously combines with the tesseract. It explains waking up in strange, unexpected places after having sex. Jaegermeister may or may not be involved.
I'm thinkin' maybe BOJ discovered rice wine. It goes well with philosophy.
I've actually looked into Saki making. It's a simple fermentation process though along with yeast there is the additional fermentation agent known as Koji which is a bacteria. Yes, I've found places on-line that I can buy Koji. That's right, you can buy bacteria through the mail. I love the post-modern world.
BTW, I entered 'JUNGDOU' into a search engine. Apparently JUNGDOU! is an actual street in Taiwan. Cool!
Hey JungDou--this is PadiMon. I think we could make a cartoon called "JungDou and PadiMon's Excellent Adventures".

JungDou has a red cape; black eye mask; and a skin tight suit with a Jagermiester Icon in the middle. PadiMon has cowboy boots; tight fitten jeans; and spurs (to hurt the bad guys).
No offense, MoniP, but 'Padimon' sounds a little too much like the sidekick to Picachu.

I like the outfits, though...
Well Stre-Der sounds like something from the Yoopers, like "look out in dat der field eh, tons of stre-der running around... shood be a great huntin seezon dis year!"
That's freaking brilliant!
You have disrespected Pokemon.

I have canceled my trip to WY. :(

I'm not going to pretend that I haven't been slaughtered a little inside, but I guess I will get over it....

In time....

BTW, Jungdou is a planet in the Winkeri nebula.
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