Monday, July 11, 2005


Ten Lines to Get Republican Gals -- Like Ann Coulter -- Into Bed

I should really be in bed, but it's 88 degrees in my apartment and, well, this was just to good to pass up. Lord, I wish I could take credit for this story I saw in The Paper tonight. First of all, I have to say that Ann Coulter scares the hell out of me, not because of her political views, but just by the way she looks. Different storkes, for different folks, I guess, but I've always felt that she tries to play up her "sexy" side as laughable. But I wouldn't not try to get into a hot Republican babe's pants, so the tips in this article could, in fact prove helpful to me. The ten lines:

  • You know, in this light you look like you could be Laura Bush's younger, more desirable sister.

  • Sorry if I seem aggravated -- I'm still upset about that world-class jerk, Michael Moore.

  • Allow me to buy you a drink. After all, thanks to our beloved President, the economy has never been better!

  • I'd love to hang out with you, but I can't make it a late night -- I'm shipping out to Falluja in the morning.

  • The tattoo on my manhood spells "RAN." But when I get excited, it spells "REPUBLICAN."

  • To see you naked, I would turn in my own mother to the Department of Homeland Security.

  • If I had to choose between having a Republican President in the White House for the rest of this century, or never being able to see your cleavage again, I'd be stumped.

  • I'm all for No Child Left Behind. I'm even more for your child-like behind.

  • Just as the Republican Party boldly confronts big challenges, nothing would please me more than you confronting the big challenge rapidly growing right now in my pants.

  • Because of President Bush's leadership, we are strong; because of his vision, we will be even stronger; and because I can't stop thinking about your ass, I haven't been able to stand up for the last half hour.

  • I don't know if any of these lines will work for me, but I have been trying to bag me one of them Republican chicks for quite a while now. I'll try 'em out, it can't hurt, right?

    As I read the entire edition, I'm starting to feel that the good folks at The Weekly World News have developed a bit of an anti-Republican stand. I was particularly shocked by the story about President Bush appointing Yoda as Homeland Security Chief. I guess I'll have to find a more unbiased place to find my fake news before their credibility drops to the level of BOJ News Service.

    ...and remember, if you hear I Will Survive on the radio, quickly turn to a station playing Ted Nugent or Frank Sinatra or, if it's too late, head to the nearest hospital emergency room.....


    Author's Additional Note - I should also add some of my favorite lines that actually worked. I don't think either of these is really that good, but they worked.....

  • If you spend the night tonight I'll take you to Pamida tomorrow.

  • You wanna?

  • Comments:
    Annie, watta babe! I can say no more. She leaves me speechless.
    Ann Coulters a man, baby!
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