Friday, March 07, 2008


Reasons The Empire is a Better Place to Work then that Other Place

Because I've been drinking and I've just started a new job:

  1. I have yet to talk to anyone from Human Resources
    I just do my job. Nobody has talked to me about anything else. Nobody has tried to feed me a line of bullshit. It's refreshing.

  2. Covered Parking
    From the looks of things, someone realized that when build a second building that it might be a cool idea to let the top floor hang over a little bit and provide the employees a place to park where their cars wouldn't get snowed on so much. The employees. Thinking about the employees.

  3. Soda in the break room vending machine? Twenty-five cents!
    Make a profit on you employees? Unheard of! Twenty-five cents is about what it would cost for me to buy soda a Wal-Mart and take it in to work. This is more convenient and it doesn't cost me any more that the troule of buying soda and taking it in to work.

  4. Doors that open themselves
    I have MS. I use a cane. Sometimes I've got something in my free hand on the way in the building. I swipe my badge and the door opens itself. I'm not lazy, but, damn, that sure makes my life a hell of a lot easier.

  5. The Security guys are friendly
    I have a running joke with the security guy. He makes sure I'm who I say I am and lets me in the facility. I'm not swiping my badge to get through a fucking revolving door that may or may not let me in the building/

  6. The days off I've had since day one are better than I could ever hope for at that other place
    People were quite jealous of those who had the days off that I have now. People have better days off than I do. Me taking these days gave another guy the oportunity to have Saturdays and Sundays off. He's grateful. Which leads to...

  7. The good people work on swing shift
    It's a TV job. People watch TV during Prime Time. It's when a broadcast facility should do it's best work. It's when the best people should be working. That's the way it seems to work here.

It ain't perfect. I'm sure I'll bitch. I had reasons to bitch this week. All I have to do, though, is remember how much better this place treats the low level employees, the people doing what the fucking business is in existence for, than the employees were treated in that shithole.

It will make me think twice before bitching.


Hey, vast improvement over 'that other place' and your past experience with the 'evil empire', eh? Glad things are looking up... keep in touch!

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