Tuesday, February 19, 2008



I started a list of personal rules years ago while I was getting divorced. Because of the timing, the rules tended to be about relationships with women. While I've never gotten to writing them all down, here's some example of the kind of rules I came up with:

  • If a woman screws you over once, she'll screw you over again

  • Losing a woman is not the end of the world

  • No woman is worth a second chance

  • There was one more that is pretty fitting right now:

  • All rules about women apply equally to jobs

  • It probably wasn't the only cause, but I lost my job 3 months before my separation. It was at that point that I began to realize that any job is a relationship and, as such, is similar to a relationship with a woman.

    I haven't had the best of luck in either arena. Unlike relationships with women, I have occasionally left jobs on my terms, moving on to something better of my choosing. With women, it's never happened that way. I have never been the one who chose to end a relationship.

    I'm breaking one of my rules. I'm probably breaking it out of necessity. I'm going back to a former employer. It was an employer that treated me very well monetarily, but probably in no other way. It would probably be like me going back to a hot former girlfriend who treated me like shit.

    To take the analogy a step further, my last "relationship" was like being dumped by a hideous woman who told you she would treat you like shit then did, in fact, treat you like shit.

    The bottom line is that I'm breaking my rule. It bugs the shit out of me. The money is a huge improvement, though, so I'll probably be able to deal with it. The "hot chick" factor is making this a whole lot more acceptable to me. I just have to ready myself for the bullshit.

    This is certainly not the way I want to go into a new job. In spite of all the shit I had to deal with while being hired by Echostar (the hideous chick who treated me like shit), I did my damnedest to go into that job with a good attitude.

  • If a woman screws you over once, she'll screw you over again

  • I won't go into this job with a bad attitude, but I will go into it with my eyes wide open.

    I probably don't follow my rules quite the way I used to. There have been women I've considered starting things up with again in the last couple of years. I'm going back to a former employer. I'm going back to situations that have proven to be bad in the past.

    I'm either showing remarkable growth or remarkable stupidity.


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