Monday, December 31, 2007


What am I Looking For?

How was my xmas (and I'm not 'x-ing' Christ out of Christmas, the X or "Chi" is the first letter of Christ in Greek, use that against those right wing "war on Christmas" assholes)? It was great, thanks for asking.

I spent the time with [someone] and [her son], traveling to their home on xmas eve, spending xmas with her and her family then heading out for the RC on Wednesday.

The great thing about [someone] is that the more time I spend with her, the more things I find that I like about her. She's visited with my family before, I've seen the way she and Jacobo are with the 4 young-uns (the place is turning into a bit of a zoo). They are both so good with kids, seeing [her son] play with the older two, or [someone] hold one of the babies warms my heart.

We stayed an extra day for the baptism of Taurin Felix and left for Windsor, CO on Sunday morning. It was a beautiful day in the RC when we left. I was not feeling the best when we left, but decided to drive first, getting us as far as Torrington, WY (and a stop for a couple of Taco Bravos at the TJ's). I turned over the controls to [someone] at that point.

I'll admit a lot of guilt at this point. As soon as we left Torrington, the roads got worse. A few miles later, blowing snow started to obscure vision, so much that we slowed to a crawl and were stopped a couple of times by accidents. [someone] kept her calm and cool. It's one more reason for me to be involved with this Colorado girl. Her winter driving skills are excellent!

We crawled into Cheyenne, considered staying at my place for the night, but decided to press on if I-25 was open. It wasn't when we arrived but opened at the exact instant we got to the gates, so we decided to push on to Colorado.

We saw a couple more accidents on I-25, including a jack-knifed double semi tractor trailer rig in the North bound lane that had back traffic up for miles. We got into Widsor without incident though by simply taking a little more time than usual.

Not only did [someone] get me to her place safely, she also made me an excellent and nutritious meal (chicken stir fry with honey over Jasmine rice). The wine flowed freely, of course, and we sort of settled down from the stressful trip. And before bed, I got to watch one of my favorite Futurama episodes, "Roswell That Ends Well".

So here's the deal, I'm with a beautiful woman who loves me, buys and makes me wonderful xmas gifts, visits my family with me, has a wonderful son who does the same, has exceptional winter driving skills, cooks for me and lets me watch cartoons. What else could I posibly be looking for?


It would seem that you have found it.
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