Saturday, December 29, 2007
Technology Gifts
Every year I make a calendar, nom not the BOJ News Service Stephanie Herseth as a Cheerleader calendar, but a calendar that contains birthdates of family members and photos from over the years. I appear in the photo to your right as a very small child.
It's a easy if time consuming project. I've had bad luck with printers over the years,though admittedly I'm pretty hard on them. Two have died completely and my current one, an HP model was purchased last November to print the calendar I had beem working on. Being a new model of printer, the drivers for the device required a pretty up to date version of the operating system. I was behind a bit, so to even require the drivers I had to purchase the newest version of Mac OSX.
To use my printer, I had to buy the newest version of Mac OSX.
Right before Christmas.
So I did.
I'm back in the RC for a couple of days. I've spent the past couple of days messing with technology based gifts my parents received. Yesterday it was two digital photo frames. Both were supposed to work with Macs, and do, to a degree, but only work off of a flash memory card even though one has built in, memory. It will be purchasing new flash memory cards to make them work.
Today has been all about digital photo keychains. I went to install the driver software on my folks' old iMac DV computer that they bought in 2001. Since the iMacs have a slot load CD drive, the small format CD's won't work in this computer. Side note to manufacturers: the cost of the materials in a CD is practically nothing, ther is NO REASON to use small fromat CD's FOR ANYTHING1!!! I had a suitable workaround for this problem, but not the next, the driver software required OSX 10.3. My parents are running 10.2.8.
Remember when I needed to update my OS to run my printer? I went out and bought the software. Sure, there was some grumbling, but I knew it had to be done. Updating to anything nearly current seems like a baffling to my parents. They tell me they can do everything they want to now.
I know one thing they can't do now, install the drivers for newly purchased digital photo keychains.
Here's one more problem: I may have come up with a work around. I may have found software that will run the new devices under 10.2.8. I'll save the day, the new toys will work and now OS updates will be undertaken.
Sometimes you can't win...
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Too bad AbbySomeOne isn't playing anywhere this weekend. There is the open mic at Cheers tomorrow night, though, if you drop by, give Gary and Shawn a big squeeze from me.
Sorry, we were out of the RC early on Sunday morning. Would have loved nothing better than to hit Cheers, though. I learned to play on the stage there, means a lot to me.
La Guera wants to see ASO some time. We were going to head over to Rawlins and see them this past summer, but it just didn't work out for us.
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La Guera wants to see ASO some time. We were going to head over to Rawlins and see them this past summer, but it just didn't work out for us.
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