Friday, November 30, 2007
New Tiny Human

My niece had her third child on Tuesday of this week.

I was playing music when the first one was born. TSA referred to him as "the tragically named Julian." Little did we know that he'd have the most normal name of his siblings. He turned 3 a couple of months ago and I'm sure he's going to be a great big brother.

Aaries is a little trouble maker, a guy who's into everything. I find this endlessly endearing, but I don't have to spend a whole lot of time with him. Aaries will be 2 years old on his great uncle's birthday.
Now we have Taurin Felix. I have to be careful here, as I misspelled Aaries name for the better part of a year before anyone bothered to correct me.
So we have a Julian with the addition of an Aaries (not Aries) and a Taurin (not Toran). Apparently there's no accounting for tradition in the younger wing of my family.

Then again, my nephew and his wife had a baby his past spring. The name they chose? Gerardo David Jr. Gerardo goes back a number of generations in his father's family. We call him DJ which is going to confuse teachers (especially substitutes) for years to come.
A hearty Globex Corporation Newsletter welcome to Taurin Felix. Enjoy life with your brothers Julian Marquis and Aaries Roddick, your cousin Gerardo David and all of the family that you have in your lives.
BOJ NOT suggesting we change the spelling of Julian's name to something like "Jooleean"...