Monday, October 22, 2007


A Different Chapter

On May 6th of this year, I wrote a post called Chapter. I was writing it as a neighbor was moving, someone who had been important in my life but, by this time had turned into a constant source of pain for me on so many levels.

I wrote about how a chapter of my life was ending, more a relief for me than anything else, not the cause of great celebration by me. I wrote about how I didn't know what was next in my life, how, as one chapter was ending in my life that I didn't know if another was beginning.

About 3 weeks later, I met [someone]. All thoughts of chapters were gone from my head by that point, and I was simply going on with my life, meeting a new person, not putting any pressure on myself or her, trying to force a new chapter out of my life.

But a new chapter of my life started that day. So far, it's been a really great chapter. Even if the other things going on in my life aren't exactly the best right now, the portions of the story about [someone] and Jacobo have been great, some of the best in the story that is my life.

Here's the thing, though. The Chapter I wrote about in May had to end for this new one to start. It's not that I held any feelings for FYA, it's that she needed to move, to not talk to me, to not try to make up with me. The cycle of her doing things that she needed to apologize for then expecting me to accept her apologies needed to be over. I was out of forgiveness for this person (I realize that I never reached the "seventy times seven" example that's been set, but I never claimed divinity). When the previous chapter of my life intruded upon the current one, I probably over-reacted. Then again, I've never been that guy who can read two books at the same time.


Such things are never truly finished. Experiences etch memories upon the brain that remain capable of inducing emotional responses. You can't unlearn or undo or unexperience anything that has happened to you. You can hope that the scars you've earned teach valuable lessons and that you've risen above old, unproductive, and unnecessary behaviors. Accept and embrace the fact that the better person you are today is due in part to the past chapters of your life, maybe in particular the ones that weren't all that pleasant. Acknowledge your past, apologize for the harm you've done, and finally, refuse the burden of pain that others may heap upon you. To remain willing to take that leap of faith one more time even when your heart has been broken is a sign of true resilience. Enjoy.
Fuck YEAH BOJ - have a good new chapter! Enjoy the hell out of it. Your readers (strange connection there) are with you.
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