Thursday, August 02, 2007


Happy Birthday!

It's a big day in the BOJ household today. Three important birthdays, first, a person you've probably never heard of, my sister Dawn. It's also director Kevin
Smith's birthday, the man who brought us such movies as Clerks and Chasing Amy.

But the birthday I want to talk about, the guy I'm thinking enough about this morning
is Mojo Nixon. I don't know how old Mojo is. I don't really care. In my household anyway, Mojo will always be that wild 20 year old, the guy writing and performing subversive songs when I was in college. I probably listen to Mojo Nixon every day. Though he is of the 80's, though his subject matter is often about celebrities and politicians of the day, his music still holds a certain amount of relevance today.


Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls
Burn down the shoppin' malls

I said Burn down the malls
said burn down the shoppin' malls
burna burna burna burna down shoppin' maaalls

Hey you ever get the feelin that America is turning into some kinda sit-com?
lowest common denominatorshopping mall marketing strategy from hell?
You ever get that feeling?
Well I got that feeling right now
and it's kinda getting under my skin


so get some gas-o-line
Burn down the malls SAY IT
Burn down the malls LOUDER

Burn down the malls

You know it just started out as a kind of corner store
Then it turned into a shopping center
Oh I remember the shoppin' center openings man
they used to have those big lights shinin' up

but now...

Now, where do the old folks go?
Where do the young kids go?
What's America, what's America turning into?

I say

Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls

Burn down the malls

Nero had the right idea-
fiddle while you burn...

Now another thing is kinda gettin' on my nerves...
another thing that's kinda gettin' on my nerves is this
national 21 drinking age

Huh? what do ya think about that?

A bunch of malarky
whatever malarky is man
it's a whole bunch of it..

you know if Reagan finally gets the war he's lookin for
you think he's gonna be draftin' 21 year olds?
No man they're gonna be draftin' 18 and 19 year olds

but ya cant buy beer
you can get married and screw yourself up real good
but ya can't buy beer
ya can charge 8 million dollars on the mastercharge
but ya can't buy beer

you can vote for one fool or another
but ya can't buy beer
'cause this is America

America that's run by the lowest common denominator
the money

how many units did ya move Mojo?
how many things of apple juice did ya sell?

c'mon suckers- c'mon feel it

Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls

Burn down the malls

Alright all you weirdo's out there
all you moralistic twisted evil little icepickers

you say "we wanna censor rock and roll"
we wanna decide what you read
what you watch
what you listen to
ooo ooo ooo Mr. Falwell
oooh Miss Tipper Gore
wait till i got you on the floor
we gonna tie you up inside of a shopping mall
then we're gonna then we're gonna

we're gonna have a war on drugs
a war on drugs
we outta have a war on war you suckers
we outta have a war on this senseless condominium
new car helllll

Burn down the malls
Burn down the malls

Burn down the malls

Happy Birthday, Mojo!


Hey, knicksgrl0917!

You said you were going to cali during Spam of the Week. What's the dilly-yo? That was the beginning of the week. I'm starting to think that you don't actually exist, but are, in reality, just auto-generated spam.
I thought we had something special, knicksgrl0917. You've caused me to lose all faith in woman-kind. Well, you did have some help, but it was mostly you, knicksgrl0917.

I'm crushed...
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