Saturday, July 14, 2007


Cool Things About LaGuera

In no particular order and certainly not exhaustive...

  1. When asked about favorite musicians, she named Jonny Lang and knew he was actually from Fargo.

  2. Was as excited to see Michael Moore's SiCKO as I was, and enjoyed it as much.

  3. Master's Degree - I like women much more educated than myself.

  4. Home owner - No apartment living for her!

  5. Knew Barenaked Ladies' song Brian Wilson when I mentioned it.

  6. Likes Italian food.

  7. Seems to think I can play guitar, though she recognized that I play everything in the keys of C and G, then capo to where I can actually sing.

  8. Lists Casablanca as a favorite film.

  9. Commented on the "Got her foot on the gas but she's tapping on the brake" line in Abby SomeOne's Diamond when I sent her an MP3.

  10. Laughed when I sent her In My Hand on MP3 and has shared it with friends.

  11. Her son wants to see The Simpsons movie as much as I do.

  12. Isn't offended by me referring to a certain way I act as "dorky."

Obviously, I left out lots off good stuff, but I've got French bread pizza in the toaster oven, and it's almost ready...



13. She digs me.

Isn't that terribly unlucky?
13--I consider it a lucky, sacred feminine power number.

How was your Friday the 13th, by the way?
I have such a great response, but I'll save it until I see you...
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