Sunday, May 20, 2007


In Defense of Ginger

It's an age old question, well maybe not age old, but at least since the 60's and it's been discussed ad nauseum ever since. A simple question really about taste and yet people get into disagreements over it to this day.

Ginger or Mary Ann?

Mary Ann seems to be the trendy choice. I can see how people would choose her. Definitely attractive enough with a wholesome nature. She's nice, sweet the kind of girl you'd take home to your mother. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Mary Ann. If my hand was forced and I ended up with Mary Ann, well, I'd consider myself a very lucky man.

She's better looking, even sexier than any woman I've ever dated. I've never been that guy who just had to have the best looking woman. I'm sure women who've dated me don't want to hear that, but it's true. They were all attractive, but each and every one of them had a more attractive friend who, if I'd have put forth a little effort...

Mary Ann is the girl I always ended up getting. I was quite happy with all of the Mary Anns in my life, counted myself lucky to be with them. Maybe the actual Mary Ann wouldn't turn all psycho on me, but I seem to have that effect on women.

Ginger and Mary Ann were stranded on a desert island with 5 other castaways. Think of the situation, no phones, no lights, no motor cars, not a single luxury. They're just trying to survive, I'm sure that even feeding themselves took a great deal of effort. For Kansas farm girl, Mary Ann, this couldn't have been too much of a change. I'm sure she didn't face death at every corner on the farm, but she was used to growing her own food, doing things for herself. Mary Ann was prepared for the situation much more than Ginger.

Ginger was, of course, horribly unprepared for this ordeal. She was a movie star. though her level of fame seems to change from episode to episode. She had people to do things for her, probably ate all of her meals at restaurants, probably didn't own any dishes. Being stranded on a desert island was a huge change for her.

She adapted. Ginger and Mary Ann handled most of the domestic chores for the castaways (it was the 1960's after all, that's what women did...). She aparently did well, nobody died from her cooking and the Skipper certainly didn't loose any weight during the show's run. Ginger was adaptable, that's an admirable trait.

But she had another trait, one that she used on every episode, her sexuality. Ginger used her sexuality to get what she wanted from the male castaways. This woman, stranded on a deser island always dressed provacatively. Mary Ann was worried about food, Ginger was worried that the men might not find her sexy. She was always 'workin' it.' In early episodes she wore a low cut dress made from something with S.S. Minnow printed on it. Think about it, she could have just wrapped the thing around her and pinned it in place to hide her nakedness, but no, she somehow fashioned a way to sew with equipment salvaged from the shipwreck and managed to create an alluring, sexy garment that accentuated her assets.

That's the big difference between Ginger and Mary Ann, Ginger knew she was hot and never tried to hide it. Mary Ann was attractive, hot even, but anything she did that made her more attractive was purely coincidental. Ginger was calculating, she plotted to have an effect on men. Yeah, she probably should have spent more time on her and the other castaways survival, but, damn it, she was busy trying to look sexy. I'm a guy, it worked on me.

Stranded on a desert island and need someone to help you survive? Mary Ann, without a doubt.

Stranded on a desert island and need someone to have a whole lot of fun with? It's all Ginger. In fact, I'd be discouraging any attempts to get off of the island. I'm not going to get a girl like Ginger under any other circumstances.

I've been with Mary Anns, they're great, but just once in my life I'd like a Ginger.


I had a Ginger once - her overly sexy body and face didn't quite compensate for her lack of brains and common sense. Sad, but so true.

I'll take Mary Ann's any day of the week (and two on Sundays - those kinky 'girl next door' types ya know).

Mary Ann kinky?

Oh, I so doubt it. Ginger was an actress, she probably did anything to get her big break, including deviant sexual behavior.

I've dated a number of women from Nebraska, none of them in any way would be described as kinky. I know Nebraska isn't Kansas, but come on, who can really tell the difference?
Well what I've found, and I hate that it sounds a bit cliche - but it's the ones who appear the most 'normal' and 'reserved' are the ones who often let loose in the wildest ways.

The Gingers of the world, men seem to think they'd be wild but when it comes down to it, they're usually a tease or at the very least disappointing to a guy with my vast interests and experiences. They know they're wanted by almost any man and use that to get what they desire.

Mary Ann's may take some warming up, but once that engine is revving - boy I tell ya, they'll do most anything (and I mean most ANYTHING). Teach them what pleasure is, and they can never get enough - and often stick to their instructor.

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