Friday, April 20, 2007


Dinner Invitation

I received a dinner invitation this week. It was something I was looking forward to, I was asked if I would make some cornbread which I gladly did, I like to help out where I can.

I went downstairs at the appointed time yesterday. I immediately noticed that there were 4 places set at the table, but tried not to assume anything. There was realistically only one other person who would have been invited and a few minutes later the other guest arrived.

Blog policy doesn't allow me to write about the other guest, personal policy doesn't allow me to talk to her. I can tell you what I did, however. I went back upstairs and took a shower.

Now I'm not happy about how this worked out. I'd like to have had dinner with two of my three neighbors, but the third made my enjoyment impossible. Had I stayed, nobody would have had a good time.

I can't blame anyone but myself for this happening. I don't talk about the offending guest. Ever. I don't talk about why or how much I hate this person. It's between the two of us. It would be unacceptable for me to bring out my laundry list of the reasons I will not have any contact with the offending guest. I would never do that in front of two of her friends. That wouldn't be fair.

Had I made it clear, I wouldn't have been invited, or she wouldn't have been invited. I didn't, though, so I had to take what ever happened. And my only option at that point was to simply leave. I wish things hadn't happened this way, but they did.

This has been incredibly difficult to write. I do not write about the offending guest, it's my policy, but she's made it quite clear that she doesn't want me to. It's nearly impossible to write this post without getting into the reasons why I feel the way I do, and I probably didn't do a very good job of it.

I have asked this neighbor not to speak to me. At first she refused (fucking refused!). She eventually came around and has respected my wishes the times we have run into each other since. Having dinner with this person would have been uncomfortable for not just me, but everyone else at the table. I stand by my decision.



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