Tuesday, April 03, 2007
A Call For Submissions
Return with me to those heady days of February 2007. It was an optimistic time, we all had high hopes for the new year, and the third Globex List, on the subject of hats, hit the blogosphere. It made us laugh. It made us cry. It made us think.
Now, in whatever month and year this is, it's time for another list. How do you top hats (or tophats)? You don't. That was magical, a once in a lifetime blog experience that simply can't be beat. But like U2 after releasing The Joshua Tree, we have to go on and try to top the definitive blog list of a generation. Maybe our next list will be Zooropa maybe it will be something that's actually good. Either way we have to keep trying.
I considered a lot of different topics for this list. We've done music with guitarists and songwriters, we've done the absurd with hats. Maybe something that splits the difference,something that's absurd and celebrates creativity. With that I give you the next Globex List:
The original idea was sitcoms, but the more I thought about it, the 30 minute sitcom format isn't the only funny television. CBS's Northern Exposure was riotously funny, but didn't fit into the sitcom format. I get more belly laughs out of The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News then I do just about anything else on TV. No, this is a list about television comedies. If it's on TV and you find (or found) it funny, put it on your list.
In the past I've asked folks to provide 10 submissions to their list. Ten is a nice number, it matches the number of fingers most of us have, but it's a completely arbitrary number (like, oh, 14 million). So this time, let's just limit it to 10. Or don't go too much over 10. I'd like 10, but if you can only give me 7, well, that's OK too.
Again, a nice format is a little paragraph explaining your basic philosophy followed by your list with an explanation of why you think each TV comedy deserves such accolades. For example:
Something like that.
The Hats list set a Globex List record with 9 entries. Let's beat that!
Email your list to me! You could become a blog celebrity!
Now, in whatever month and year this is, it's time for another list. How do you top hats (or tophats)? You don't. That was magical, a once in a lifetime blog experience that simply can't be beat. But like U2 after releasing The Joshua Tree, we have to go on and try to top the definitive blog list of a generation. Maybe our next list will be Zooropa maybe it will be something that's actually good. Either way we have to keep trying.
I considered a lot of different topics for this list. We've done music with guitarists and songwriters, we've done the absurd with hats. Maybe something that splits the difference,something that's absurd and celebrates creativity. With that I give you the next Globex List:
The original idea was sitcoms, but the more I thought about it, the 30 minute sitcom format isn't the only funny television. CBS's Northern Exposure was riotously funny, but didn't fit into the sitcom format. I get more belly laughs out of The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News then I do just about anything else on TV. No, this is a list about television comedies. If it's on TV and you find (or found) it funny, put it on your list.
In the past I've asked folks to provide 10 submissions to their list. Ten is a nice number, it matches the number of fingers most of us have, but it's a completely arbitrary number (like, oh, 14 million). So this time, let's just limit it to 10. Or don't go too much over 10. I'd like 10, but if you can only give me 7, well, that's OK too.
Again, a nice format is a little paragraph explaining your basic philosophy followed by your list with an explanation of why you think each TV comedy deserves such accolades. For example:
BOJ's List
I like television that makes me think, that makes me take a good look at myself. And it has to make me laugh until fluid is expelled from my nose.
10. Star Trek - With a comic sexual tension between Kirk and Spock, this show is hard to beat. And their running gags, like ensigns in red uniform beaming down to a planet. Everyone knew that ensign wasn't coming back, and we all tittered to ourselves when Scotty pulled on those EQ looking things and made the unfrotunate ensign disappear forever....
Something like that.
The Hats list set a Globex List record with 9 entries. Let's beat that!
Email your list to me! You could become a blog celebrity!