Saturday, February 17, 2007



I used to do this all the time, but I haven't just sat down and started banging out a post without any idea of what I was going to write in a long time.

Like all good ideas, this one came to me while in the shower. Sadly, the idea was simply to post something, not what to post, so I'll bang away until something comes to me.

The big RPS tournament semi-finals are today. I'm wearing the lucky underwear, so I'm as ready for RPS action as I'm ever going to be. Sadly, the lucky underwear seem to have lost some of their magic, yes, I got the last job interview I wore them to, but the other thing they were good for didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. In truth, they were always better at job interviews then at the other thing. Yes, I am being vague, and for good reason. I also didn't wear them when I was on Jeopardy! because my ass got too big and they didn't fit any more. So they are untested in game show situations.

The other idea I had while in the shower was what to have for lunch. It was rice and it is presently sitting right in front of me. I had rice yesterday but with some beef brisket on to of it. Good stuff. This will be pretty good too.

I am pissed off about the whole insurance bullshit that [Nameless Company] is pulling on us. In a way, it worked out pretty good for me, in another, more accurate way, it screwed me and every low level employee at [Nameless Company] over in a way that is wholly unacceptable.

On top of this, the whole insurance selection process is done through Human Resources. Fuck you, I'm not a resource, I'm an employee and your damn lucky to have eme. And get this, even though we have an HR department, we have to essentially do all of the paperwork ourselves. At this point, nobody is sure what HR actually does. The only thing they've done for me is to royaly screw up my hiring process about a year ago. Yes, [Nameless Company] is damn lucky to have me.

Yesterday, an employee was having problems with his benefits selection. It was like pulling teeth to get someone from HR to help, at which point they basically are making him do the whole process on paper instead of on the computer. Way to help your resources, HR.

This is the same HR department that wouldn't come in to view an employee who was drunk at work. We were told to be on the lookout for this behavior as he'd done it a number of times before but the behavior had never been documented

The same employee, by the way, who left work one evening "because he was sick," went to a bar, got into a fight and was stupid enough to tell other employees, including a team leader, about it. Some time I'll get into why that is so offensive to me. Now I'll just say that I've gone to work under circumstances that should make him feel like a poor excuse for a human. Which he is.

A few weeks later he, though out of sick days for the year, called in sick and was told to call his supervisor. He refused to call his supervisor and did not come to work on a busy Saturday during football season, leaving our shift one (and I use the term loosly) man short.

He was able to leave our shift, which we're happy about, to go back to a shift he wanted to be on. A shift on which he was in a physical or near-physical altercation with another employee who is still there.

We had our reviews this past month. Raises were recomended. I imagine his and mine are quite similar. Damn I love my job and the way [Nameless Comany] is run.

The rice was good, but I think I need something e;se as well. I'll have to run through the cupboards to see what else I have to eat.


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