Friday, November 10, 2006


Sue Foley Photo Friday

Cover of The Austin Chroncile from God knows when.
She looks really good though, sort of like a hotter, guitar
playing Gina Davis....
I post photos every Friday of my favorite contemporary blues buitarist, Sue Foley. She is an all time favorite guitarist (even if she didn't make my list) and I've loved a number of her recordings. Readers of the Globex Corporation Newsletter aren't idiots, though. You know the real reason I search out and post Sue's photos every week. She's a babe.

Yeah, I've posted photos of other blues guitarists, off the top of my head I can name John Lee Hooker and Robert Cray. Hook is one of my favorite musicians of all time, but I opted to go with Sue Foley Photo Friday instead of a Hook photo day. And Robert Cray, in addition to being a great guitarist is, in my completely heterosexual view, a really good looking guy, well, he doesn't get a photo day either.

Sue isn't just eye candy though. Check out her music. Really. It's great. The following from an article in the Austin Chronicle sums up a lot of what I feel about Sue and her music:

If Sue Foley were playing alternative rock instead of blues, the music press would be going to church over her. She's a better guitarist than any of the grrrls in vogue right now, her songwriting is as well-developed and accessible as, say, Victoria Williams or Sheryl Crow, her knack for choosing material is impressive, and she has the requisite chip on her shoulder about how to play with the boys. She gets good marks critically but when Foley remarked, "I can play as good as any man and I ain't no rhythm player," MTV missed out on a great soundbite.

She can play as good as any man, her covers of material by the great Earl Hooker, a very ballsy, very male guitarist proved that to me a long time ago. She can tear through electric material like that or ease into a mellow acoustic set like the one recorded for Change. A great guitarist who is very versitle to boot.



Oooooh, there is a god! Sue Foley on the cover and an article inside about beer!
I'll admit that a big reason I chose this photo for Sue Foley Photo Friday is because of the beer reference.

BTW, I almost headed up to the Flatiron last Saturday to see ASW (I guess, is that the proper abbreviation for SMB and GF1?). How interesting would it have been to run into you there!
God isn't the only one who knows when...the photo in question has a date of June 30, 1996 on it.

Almost does not count! But if you had gone Saturday you would have missed it, the show was Friday. The MdeJ was also there, and, yes, it would have been fun to run into you. I hadn't been to the Flatiron for a couple years and had only been there in the summer for outdoor music. Indoors it's like being in someone's living room. You do have to pay for the excellent coffee and food but that's almost like staying with certain relatives.

And only guys who are very, very secure in their masculinity can make a homo-erotic joke with no overtones of homophobia. You, BOJ, are a real guy!
Mike and I played at the Flatiron a couple of times. The pay wasn't great, but they'd give you supper and breakfast and put you up for the night in one of the suites.

I liked playing insid. The Point Room is really intimate, exactly like you said. We plugged in, but I don't really think that was nescessary. We had a bass player, Amy from Casper (too many Amys in my life....) and she needed to plug in. That left me without a mic, but if you've heard me play, you'll know that I don't really need amplification in a small room like that. Retired to the suite, drank all night and Gloria A. made us spaghetti. Very cool evening.

I liked playing in the courtyard, too, but the audience was so far away that it lost all sense of intimacy. Still a cool show and Mike made some anti-Bush remarks. Only problem, Bush's head of security is from Hot Springs and was in the audience. Mike has a file! Like The Other Site hasn't earned me the same distinction.

A friend from here in Cheyenne is looking to play the Flatiron with his wife sometime after the first of the year. I'll try to make it to that. Maybe sit in.
Did you know that Mike has been a houseguest of mine? He could tell you about the scary basement room filled with rabbits...the guest room has since been moved son who left for college this fall chose to move his room to the basement leaving his former upstairs room available for redecorating. I'm certain that when the Sue Foley tour blows through Brookings she'll be staying here.

I am in complete agreement about the music-venue facilities at the Flatiron. Love the Point Room with its intimate atmosphere, the patio outdoor area is lovely but the musicians seem very removed from the audience.
Did you know that Mike ran for the State Legislature a couple of years ago? He told me he raised $3700 and received 37% of the vote. I suggested that he raise $5100 next time.
Yes, I knew that. Rumor was his running for office was the primary (tee-hee) motivation for cutting off his near waist-length hair. I was actually in the RC in October two years ago and saw the yard signs. I was going to steal one and have him autograph it for me.
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