Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Just Bitching to Myself

The Globex Corporation Newsletter is over 22 months old. I've posted well over 600 times, less than 200 of those posts being stuff that I reposted from The Onion. So I'm averaging pretty close to a post a day.

This blog is very different than when I started it on December 31st 2004, but I'm very different from the person I was then. I've lived in 3 different residences while writing this blog, and one didn't even have net access. I've posted from places of employment and coffee shops. I've posted from friends' and relatives' houses. I've posted as much as I could.

I don't know why I started this other than that TSA got one and I thought it was pretty cool. We had a Patient 957 website and we all wrote a little weekly blog, trying so damn hard to be as cool as SMB and his blog. TSA started his blog after that, wanting to still write, I thought it was an admirable idea, worthy of theft by me. So I did.

I had no idea what I was doing when I started this. I still don't. I made an effort to write something, anything, every day. Sometimes it was the weather, sometimes it was bitching about the minutiae of my life, sometimes it was bitching about actual important thing in my life.

Early on, it was a lot of bitching. I'm good at bitching. I can bitch all day long about something or other. And this is Mega Bitch Wednesday after all. So what am I bitching about today?

Anonymity, or my lack of it. When I started this, I called myself "Blind Orange" Julius, a name I ripped off from an old episode of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. It was more out of fun than anything. I'd been using the name for a while in diferent contexts. Some people actually knew me by that name.

But not many people knew about the blog. TSA knew about it, I sent links to some distant friends so I didn't have to write so many emails about my everyday life. And people who stumbled upon the site didn't know blogger "Blind Orange" Julius from substitute teacher Doug Jungemann (for example...). There was a general anonymity. People who already knew me knew who I was. People who I wanted to know knew who I was.

I bitched about the school district I was teaching in. I could do that because nobody there knew that I was BOJ. I bitched about old girlfriend 5-55 and she didn't know about it. I eventually told her about the blog since I wrote a song based on something she'd said and thought it only fair to let her know about it. The main things in my life I could bitch about I was able to do so without anyone who mattered being the wiser.

I've deleted one post in the history of this blog. It was a vicious if totally true and even somewhat justified post about a family member. It's not like my family reads this blog regularly. But my anonymity was somewhat gone at that point. When I say things to family, I can apologize, but I can't nescessarily take them back. When I post to a blog that none of them have read, I can. So I did. And some people who did read this blog would know who I was talking about. Really it was a family matter, that I'm very happy to say has been completely resolved, the family member who was the problem has cleaned up their (Oooh! The pronoun game.....) act and I'm happy to say that all who were effected are alright now.

That day changed all of this a little bit. I haven't decided whether that's for better or worse. Look at my posts from last November and December about my interview process and eventual hiring by Echostar Communications. I was not a happy boy and I was pretty vocal about it. I was pissed off about how it was all going, I was pissed off after they offered me a job. was pissed off from Novermber 10th when I interviewed for the job until January 16th when I walked in the front door at 1000 hours Eastern time (I work in TV, that's how we tell time).

Since taking this job, my readership has changed. Other than HBBA (new nickname, figure it out for yourself) the only people I know in Cheyenne are fellow employees. And some of them were contributors on the Top 10 Guitarists post. My supervisor is a weekly contributor. I think these things are great. I love that people I know are reading and I've included them in the fun.

On the other hand, I now stop sometimes when writing and ponder what someone will think about something if I write it. I was so much simpler when no one was reading this crap, nobody who knew who I was anyway.

To be clear, my bitch is not that people I know are reading this. That's fun, I love it. The bitch is that I now choose to censor myself.

And I can't really bitch about that to anyone but myself.


Sounds like growth is as painful for you as the rest of us. It can also be liberating and fantastic.
Who is this?

Are you really HBBA?
Truth has the power to dispel the darkness of ignorance -- just as a candle has the power to light a cave that has been dark for a million years.

HBBA. I'll miss you his weekend.
Flowing water never goes bad. -Chinese proverb.

PS. Happy Turkey Day!
You too. Enjoy the Hawkeye State if you're really (maybe that should be really, really...) who you claim to be.

Yes it's uncanny to see
You'd really think it was me
I do the best immitation of myself

-Ben Folds

(I don't have many quotes from philosophers, but Ben is my favorite)
WOW...cold stinking weather and chocolate? Oh, yeah. Don't care for it. Tea anyone? Yup...In the "Cyclone" state again.
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