Monday, October 16, 2006
DHMO Update - More Personal Effects
Once again, DHMO rears its ugly head in my
personal life.
You read books about this happening, see people deal with it on Dr. Phil or Oprah, see made for TV movies about it on the Lifetime Network (with titles that contain a colon, something like DHMO in My Urine: The Deirdre Staudtmeir Story), but it's not supposed to happen to me.
Last week, DHMO in its solid form forced me to change my plans (even though my Subaru has solid DHMO defeating technology). This week, it's turned even more personal. DHMO in my Urine. As soon as I'm done here, I'm on the phone to my doctor. I figured I owed it to you, the fine readers of The Globex Corporation Newsletter to let you know that this current affliction may curtail my blogging some. I pray that it doesn't. I'll be strong for you, but I'll have good days and bad days. Hopefully the bad days will coincide with the MBW.