Friday, September 29, 2006


Sue Foley Photo Friday

I knew I'd seen this someplace before....
I don't know if this is a Sue Foley Photo Friday repeat, but it is the first Sue Foley Photo Friday since I received my Sue Foley Live in Europe DVD and I thought it fitting that I use an image from that DVD. I had seen this photo on the 'net before but didn't know exactly what it was. After watching the DVD I realized that it was a still from the DVD. Actually it's a still from the German TV show, Rockpalast which most of the DVD was taken from. As near as I can tell, Sue Foley has never been on American TV. We are such freaking idiots! I don't just mean that she's a fine looking woman who should be on our TV, but we all need to know a little bit more about the blues, even me.

And while I always knew that Sue is a great musician, watching her in performance makes me say the same thing I always say when I see a great guitarist, "She makes it look so easy!" And it's true. Listening to her is one thing. Watching her play is something else entirely.


It's a repete, BOJ. But a very nice one.
I had to check to see if you were making fun of my spelling. "Repeat" seems to be spelled OK in this post. Scanning for latent sarcasm...... it seems clean......

And yes, it is a nice photo. If I'm going to repete a photo in which Sue isn't holding the paisly guitar, this would be the one!
Moi? Sarcasm? I much prefer satire.

I think the misspelling arose from a conversation I had at work with Joyce. Whose daughter is so much like her family members call her re-Joyce. She has a grandfather named Peter who had a twin brother with a perfectly respectable name, Daniel, but wouldn't you know people ended up calling them Pete and re-Pete. What a bunch of comedians.
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