Thursday, July 27, 2006


Pointless Shit Thursday
Frontier Days Edition

Don't miss out on the fun!
Dear Lord, it's time for Frontier Days. Good for somebody, I suppose, but it means that I actually have to fight traffic to get back to my apartment after work since the concerts generally let out about the time I get off of work. I seem to recall moving away from Southern California.

Just a couple more days.....

Forgot your big hat? Buy one on the street!

Dude, have you forgotten the "Rally" traffic. It has to be the worst.
Rally trafic was worse, but very little of it went right past my house. People very seldom sat in the middle of an intersection while I was trying to make a left turn to get into my ally and my parking space.

I also lived 30 miles from Sturgis as opposed to eight blocks from the rodeo grounds.

Hot chicks at both events though. It ain't all bad.....
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