Saturday, May 13, 2006


DHMO Update


I've been obsessed with my DHMO research. Until a few days ago, I didn't realize what a terrible worldwide problem this has become.

The United States is a huge DHMO polluter, dumping it into our lakes and rivers, spraying it onto our crops in an attempt to create greater yields and using it in its solid form as an industrial coolant.

The rest of the world cannot be without blame, however. Every Coninent shows evidence of DHMO, even Antartica. Countries do not confine the release of DHMO to their own borders. Canadian industry, for example, releases tons of DHMO into the Great Lakes every year. This chemical compound eventually finds its way to US shores where it causes all of its well doccumented problems.

Ocassionally, if weather conditions are right, DHMO on the surface of the Great Lakes will be picked up by wind currents, solidify in the atmospere and be deposited on American cities. Between January 28th and February 1st, 1977, Candian DHMO fell on the American city of Buffalo, NY, accumulating to depths of EIGHT FEET in some places, 29 deaths being attributed to the phenomenon. The Canadian government continues to deny any responsibility for the deaths of American citizens.

Wake up people! DHMO is a global problem! We need to wipe it out today!



Can it be taken intravenously? Will it give me a buzz? We are all so toxified I'm not sure we can do anything about it. Perhaps a planet-wide cleansing of dangerous (allegedly intelligent) life forms.
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