Monday, May 01, 2006
"A Day Without Immigrants"
From the BOJ News Service
I wonder what native americans think about this. To a native american, I'm an immigrant. My family has been in this country for all of the past century plus little tiny bits of the two centuries surrounding it. My family settled in small towns primarily in Illinois, Iowa and South Dakota. Towns that, up until World War II you could have gotten by speaking nothing but German in some of these towns. You could do commerce and practice your religion in German. During World War II the US Government kind of put a stop to that. No they didn't come into Lutheran churches and demand that services only be held in English, but they encouraged congregations to only hold services in the language of the land. Some German services continued into the 1950's in some towns, but the language was generally weeded out of the populace by then.
Today as I watch CNN, I see people protesting the laws of this country while carrying the flag of another soverign country. I'm getting sort of a mixed message here. Some of the banners are printed in a language that I don't understand. I'm all for allowing people to speak the language of their heritage, I only wish our Government had allowed my family the same courtesy.
On this "Day Without Immigrants" I'm reminded that my family were immigrants. The undertook great hardship to come to this country, even though they were leaving rough economic conditions at home, there were no guarentees in the United States. But they jumped through all of the proper hoops, let the government know they were here, entered where and when the government told them to. In many cases lived on land the government told them they could live on. They, and others from northern Europe settled the nothern plains.
What we have today is not a "Day Without Immigrants." We should call this day what it really is, "A Day Without Illegal Immigrants." Protest, go ahead and protest, but if La Migra' shows up at your protest, you have no right to complain when you're shipped back to wherever you came from. There are legal ways to get into this country. Hell, I worked with a bunch of them in SoCal. Some of them worked here on visas, others applied for and received citizenship. They made our country a more interesting place, just like a bunch of goofy Germans did over a century ago.
This country will always have immigrants. I'm somewhat offended that a certain group of them have decided to show them what it would be like without them. My ancestors never decided to try to show the rest of the country what things would be like without them. Then again, they were too busy settling the central portions of this country.
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Traffic was almost non-existant here in Vegas on 5-1. If the immigrants want to take credit for that, they should do so at their own risk. People will round all of them up!
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