Thursday, April 27, 2006


Too Bad I Don't Have Access to a Time Machine.....

What the Hell is this?
I ordered a pizza from Domino's on Tuesday night. I hadn't done that in quite a while, and it was late and I'd had a lite supper. Look, I don't have to explain myself to you! Anyway, on the box was an offer for $20 off tax preparation. I didn't really need any help on my taxes this year, but I thought that it was odd that I received an offer for tax preparation fully one week after the tax deadline. It even says "expires 4/15" on the offer.

I used to work at a Domino's Pizza years ago. I know how the place works. In off time, drivers will put boxes together and attach any ads for offers. We weren't advertising for other products or services when I worked at Domino's, but I see that as a good thing, another way to squeeze a little revenue out of the pizza business.

I also work in the TV business. You know, we have what are called "Kill Dates" on commercial spots. I spot won't be scheduled to run after a certain date. For instance, TV stations stopped running H & R Block spots after April 17th this year.

So some overzealous drivers, looking for something to do, made up too many boxes with the tax preperation offer on them. I would say to just throw the boxes away, but the offer had the same adhesive that is on 3M's wonderful Post-It products. It simply came off the box.

So, managers at Domino's Pizza in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Have your drivers take the tax preparation offer off of the pizza boxes. It took me about 3 seconds to take the offer off of mine. You have more labor at your disposal than I do.


Hey, I'll do your taxes for a song and guarantee a visit from a friendly IRS agent! That would be cool, huh? Sure.
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