Wednesday, April 12, 2006
If It Wasn't True, They Couldn't Print It Now Could They.....
Not the Best Story I've ever
posted from The Paper, but
this photo is priceless.....
I'll be God damned if I don't love The Weekly World News, better known to friends of mine as The Paper. I'll also be God damned if I'm not trying to engage in more pointless swearing because, as near as I can tell, that's perfectly fine. That's another post though. This post is about Cats in Space.
Of course, it was the Russians' faults:
"The female mice escaped from one of our onboard experiments and the male mice came up on a Russian supply ship, hidden in the cargo hold."
How NASA can leak bombshell information like this is beyond me, but WWN found dug it up for you. The least you can do is read about it here. Better yet, buy a copy of the Weekly World News, available at a newstand or super market check-out near you.
OK, I used a tiny bit of steroids before writing this.