Sunday, April 02, 2006


BOJ Nude!!!

Naked Boogie Live!
I'm sorry to put everyone through this.....
If I'm going to make all kinds of photos with people in the nude and junk, I guess I should just do it to myself, too. I know it's not SMB's butt, but I am outside, that's gotta count for somethin'. Like all good ideas, this one came to me in the shower. I need to just move my computer in there, that would be the coolest thing ever. Imagine how productive (and squeaky clean) I would be.....


I guess no one can say you're a dirty old man...
I could say he's a dirty old man, but I won't.
Nice to see you showing some restraint, Ed. Are you a grown-up?
Ummmm...., grown up what? I can recognize (cognize again?) a trick question but am not willing to commit an answer.
That, in a nutshell, is what the etymology says, more or less.

And is that really, truly Shawn's behind?
Yes, 1gal it really is. Settle down.
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