Saturday, March 25, 2006


An Apology

I'd like to extend a heartfelt 'sorry' for the previous post.

My swearing is usually a little more creative. It was late and I was pretty tired. It's hard work being this pissed off all of the time.

I know it's just and excuse and it doesn't fix anything,m but I'll try to do better in the future.


Don't be sorry, you were most probably correct in all that you thought. I am sorry that the "world" has come to such a sad condition. Take your meds and be happy.
The only problem was that you didn't run that post on Mega-Bitch Wednesday. Sometimes your mood just doesn't align with the topic of the day! Next time swear in Swedish or Swahili. Now that would be creative.
Swearing "in tongues" would be cool. 1gal is right about that alignment. You are sooooo out of order!
So...what we all want to know is...will there be punishment and will we get to watch?!?!
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