Monday, February 20, 2006


A Jaegermeister Kind of Night

The Jaegermeister is flowing pretty freely tonight. It's been a long time since I had a drink or two just because I wasn't curretly working, but that's exactly what I'm doing here.

I don't know if Jaegereister is particularly ethnically German, but I sure like it. Ice cold and in a cold glass on top of it. That and a hadfull of those fake M&M's from the King Sooper store. Geez, does life get much better?

The week's not quite over yet, I've still got one more day of work, but now I have a phone, internet, and cable TV. If my apartment just had steady heat, I'd be an estatically happy man. As it is, I seem to be doing alright.

T1G, I like Jaegermeister quite a bit, any of the German liquours that I owe you that you can't handle, well, I'd be happy to take off of your hands. I promise, no cookies will be tossed, even those Girl Scouts' Thin Mints. I can juggle, but I'd never toss cookies, I just have too much respect for the baker's craft.....


I have a deep and abiding fondness for Jag as well. I will be forever grateful to a dear friend of mine who handed me the bottle for the first time. The nearly indescribable cold rush going down followed by the heat wave of flavor rushing back up. Mmmm.

I said to this dear friend that Jag is probably evil, that I wouldn't be surprised if the slippery road to hell was paved with Jag bottles...He said, nawww, but there's a lot of empty Jag bottles littered by the side of that road!
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