Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Me too. I've been missing your blogs and wondering just how angry you are. Angry enough to do that armored car job and laugh at the world for the rest of your immediate retirement? Need to get on jeopardy again? Shut up Ed. ok.
You need to find a nice madchen, BOJ. I believe you now owe me either $11 or 11 shots of Jag for using DwtK.
Sorry, that's WwtK. Hey! That's easier to type, too! Wwtk, Wwtk, Wwtk...
A Madchen? I was going for less trouble in my life......

Hey, Wwtk is easy to type!
It's also verrrrry close to the name of my now defunct but locally famous musical comedy troupe, the WWitK, The Wild Women in the Kitchen. Whose members, I might add, are mostly fond of WwtK. I haven't personally seen the Kaiser myself for a while but I do have some very lovely memories. But enough about me.
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