Thursday, December 29, 2005


Dirtiest Open Mic Ever!

While chances are good that I'll make it to at least one more Dunn Bros. Wednesday night open mic, if I never make it to another, last night's show would definitely be a good one to end on. The crowd was large, the musicians were diverse and there were certainly plenty of them. As an added bonus (to me, anyway) things sort of degenerated into people playing the type of 'questionable' material that usually doesn't get played on Wednesday nights.

I suppose all of that started with Willy Grigg, playing his song Want to be a Pagan in honor of the winter solstice. That was quickly followed by a young lady singing a song about a former boyfriend, wishing him luck with his new love and hoping he gets VD. Alright, this is the type of music I can get behind! Larry followed her with another song about social diseases and a song about his mother flashing her boobs. I've never been so proud to be associated with an open mic. TSA showed up to hear most of the fun, we had tentatively planned out a set, but plans were put aside as it was pretty obvious what we'd be playing.

We opened up, of course, with Two Condoms. We've played that song at Dunn Bros. less than 5 times in the past year, but if it was ever going to be played, last night was the night. As an added bonus, a student I've had in class was there to hear it. It's probably a good thing that I most likely won't be doing any more subbing next year. I introduced the song by saying I was offended by the song about the former boyfriend getting VD, not that the song bothered me, but that VD could be avoided by following my advice. We played Got My Mojo Workin' after that, putting Who Do You Love and Magic Bus in the middle. I do need to remember when doing Magic Bus that I'm the Inspector, not the Conductor. I doubt that anyone but TSA noticed. Still, you always wanna get it right. I'm not sure why Mojo works the way it does, but it just does. Putting stuff in the middle has just always worked to. A partial list of stuff that we've put, or tried to put in the middle of Mojo:

Who Do You Love - Bo Diddley
Magic Bus - The Who
The Story of One Chord - Mojo Nixon
Tiptoe Through the Tulips - Tiny Tim
It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones

Geez, not as many as I thought. Well I'm sure I left some out.


Crap! I worked until almost ten last night. I should know better.
That's Born Again Pagan!!! And did he do the pc line or the mature audience one? "Herds his canoe" or "knows how to screw"?
Born Again Pagan, my apologies. I'd only ever heard it once before. There were no references to small watercraft, so you can assume that it was the adult oriented version. Oddly, not a whole lot of adults there last night.....
Hey! Do you know why lite beer is like WwtK in a canoe?
Oh Yeah! Loser was great if for no other reason that I didn't know it was going to happen until I started singing it. Cool.

And no, T1G (not to be confused with that 1 guy), I don't know why lite beer is like WwtK in a canoe.
Because it's f**king next to water!!!
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