Sunday, October 23, 2005


Worst Poker Game Ever

Margin of Error is a tricky thing......
OK, not the worst game ever, but definitely not my best. It looked like it was going to be another good poker night for that card sharp hombre' who goes by the name of BOJ. I took unrelated David for a big score on the first hand. I won the second hand as well. I don't think I won another hand all night which may have been due to homebrew and Jaegermeister, but it's difficult to say. I didn't have (and I'm not sure exactly how to spell this) squaduche for cards the rest of the night and even though I'd built myself a nice little lead after two hands, I was quite able to piss it away at an alarming rate.

It was a husband and wife final, with related David and his wife Andrea playing heads up. Andrea, flying high on painkillers and Mike's Hard Lemonade took David in relatively short order. I guess my homebrew and Jaegermeister defense no longer holds any water. For that matter, neither could I after an evening of homebrew and Jaegermeister. The body's an amazing thing, though, as it took the good things out of those two delicious beverages and disposed of the water in due course.

A little Beavis and Butthead and Rocko's Modern Life rounded out the evening nicely. I see the MTV2 is now running shows instead of music videos just like all other MTV networks. Everything they touch turns to crap. I didn't stick around for any episodes of Pimp My Ride or -insert name of stupid reality show here- and got myself home in short order.

Broncos at Giants in about 2 hours, so the phone will be coming off of the hook.


Contrary to popular belief, the road to hell is not paved with empty Jaegermeister bottles. There are, however, numerous empty Jaegermeister bottles littering the sides of said road.
....and there's plenty of places to stop and get a homebrew along the road to heaven. There'd better be, if there's not, I'll take my chances with the other place.
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