Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I'm So Glad It's Not Positive Day Today
Sometimes I swear this Positive Day bullshit is
going to kill me. It's simply not in my nature.
Or I would have. I had some things to do at my folks' house, like get into a fight with my mother over some stupid little thing, had lunch with them and headed of to school. When I arrived at the front desk, they seemed quite surprised to see me. They gave me my keys and whatnot and I went off to meet with the teacher I would be subbing for as his class was in the library. He wasn't in the library, so I headed off toward his room. I ran into him on my way there (no TSA, he wasn't hurt, though I did play football against him in high school) and told him he was my sub. He looked somewhat baffled, but then explained to me that he didn't need a sub as the cross country meet he was going to was cancelled by the weather. Furthermore, he hadn't called for a sub, he had been told that an aide was going to cover his class during the final period, the only one when he'd actually be gone.
So I headed back to the office, turned my keys back in took my time card and headed home. I had a few things I could do around the house anyway. After I was home a while, the phone rang. It was one of the woman who lines up the subs (not the one whose idiot husband no tries to do the job my sister did last year, the nice one who actually occasionally calls me and offers me work). She apologized for the mix up and told me that I would get paid for a half day since I showed up for work. Hey that's great, I can't complain about getting paid for not working. She then gave me a reason why I wasn't called and told the job had been cancelled. Since I talked to the teacher who had needed and then not needed the sub, I knew one version of the story. Now I was hearing another. Far be it for me to decided who is telling me the truth and who isn't, but one thing is for sure, someone is lying. Both sides are blaming the other. I don't care who's right and who's wrong, just don't lie to me. Lie to each other all you want, just leave me out of it.
Michael Brown worked on the Bush Presidential campaign. He had no experience in emergency management, no matter what he says now, but he was made director of FEMA. Harriet Miers is basically the president's personal lawyer. She's never been a judge before, but has just been nominated by Bush to serve on the Supreme Court. I know less about Harriet Miers than I do about Michael Brown, I know even less about judges deserving of serving on the highest court in the land. What I do know is that I'd like to see a judge doing a judge's job. If you'll remember, that guy who used to be FEMA director but didn't have any emergency management experience didn't do all that well when he had an emergency to manage. Why would anyone put someone on the Supreme Court with no experience as a judge?
Geez, Mr. President, I was born in Texas can I have a job? I'll take what ever you've got. I'm a pretty bright guy, I don't have any emergency management or judicial experience, but apparently I'm qualified to head up FEMA or be on the Supreme Court.
You see, what really pisses me off is that I can't get jobs I am qualified for. I applied for a job as a fucking television director, a job I have not only done before, but done at the very station that was looking for a director. Their ad said they didn't need someone with television experience but skill with Adobe Photoshop was nescessary. So what's the deal, was I so overly qualified that they didn't even feel the need to call me. Is there so much damn talent in this town that I was so fucking far down on the list that I don't warent a phone call?
I wish I were incompetent instead of being an asshole. All of the incompetent people I know have jobs. I run into people doing their jobs poorly every day. Nobody seems to care. I guess all you have to do is get along, kiss ass and they'll keep you around. Someday I'll get into the story of why I don't work at DirecTV anymore. It wasn't because I couldn't do my job. While I was working there, they hired someone, no I'm not fucking lying, this is the truth, they hired someone who didn't know what a satellite was! You're working for a satelite broadcasting company and you don't know what a satellite is! How did that person get through the extensive hiring process. Yeah, HR there was really on the ball. Fucking idiots.
How's that for a Mega-Bitch Tuesday?
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I'm honestly sorry to say that it will ge worse before it gets better. Peter Principal. Great job bitching.
What's the designation for Wednesday? Nice pie chart. I'm going to print one out, frame it, and give it a place of honor on my desk. Even on days when I'm not hormonal it will give everyone fair warning. Even when I'm cranky, I like to be fair.
I was think that the pie chart would make a good T-Shirt. I like to be fair as well, but fair everywhere I go.
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