Saturday, October 08, 2005
Boobie Graphs, Ear Infections and National TV Exposure
From a conversation with 5-55. And I wonder why I don't have a girlfriend.....
I attended an open mic at Borders last night, playing with Mike Reardon, Jon Clark and Rod Meier. As far as I know we didn't win the $50 prize for best act, which sucks because I was really counting on the $12.50. Oh well, that's two days less of eating this month...... Mike had told me that we'd probably go on a bit after 7pm since there were a couple of acts who needed to play before us since they were playing gigs that night. So I was going to leave my house at 7pm, but decided to leave a couple of minutes earlier. Good thing I did, when I arrived at Borders, the guys were set up. I threw off my coat and opened my over-sized novelty harmonica case and got out harps and my mic. We played Mike's composition, Pleasure and Joy first. Now that is normally played in the key of 'F' but Mike didn't bring the specially tune guitar along so we played it in 'G'. As a harmonica player, that shouldn't make any difference to me, I just need to grab the G harmonica instead of the F. Still, the song is going to sound different, and since I play harp totally by ear, any change is a little difficult for me, especially when I've been in the establishment less than two minutes when I started playing. On top of that, the vocal harmonies I add on this song are pretty high in my range when we play the song in F, a whole step higher and I'm really reaching on some of the higher stuff. Still, we made it through that song and two more. I got a comment from a few people that we (and I in particular) sounded good, so I'm happy with how things went. Not well enough for $50 though.....
I've been fighting off a cold the last couple of days. We had our first snow of the season on Tuesday nigh/Wednesday morning, so it is officially the cold and flu season. I felt really crappy on Thursday night, but got a good night's sleep and woke up feeling no worse on Friday. This time of year that can be a victory. I did some running around yesterday, and I think the activity did me good. I was feeling alright by the time the open mic rolled around last night.
I was a little worried, though, because my ear was starting to plug up. I have a problem with ear infections (no, I'm not 4 years old) , so any time I'm under the weather I have to watch out for that too. I got a horrible infection in 2001 (this is a lovely blog topic, isn't it), so bad that the doctor actually called in some medical students to look at my condition. Yes, I had something so bad that med students had never seen it. I hope I ended up in a medical journal somewhere.
I had another one in June of 2003. I remember it well because I was scheduled to by on the game show Jeopardy! the next week. The 2001 infection had gotten so bad that my face swelled up. The swelling was so bad that my left ear was rotated slightly forward on the side of my head. If this infection got that bad, I could kiss the TV appearance goodbye. Some of you will think that' a small thing, but let me tell you something, for the last 20 years or so, I really only had one goal in life, and that was to be on Jeoopardy!. Missing out on that because of my stupid ear would have really sucked, so I went off to see the doctor. I responded to the antibiotics well and only being a southern California resident delayed my National Television debut.
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Two questions. Who did win the fifty bucks? And what about a slice of the pie labelled "your own"? I do realize that your own boobies actually could fit into one or perhaps two of the categories represented, but I thought specific enough that it deserved to be up there. How about a pie chart showing your favorite flavor of pie? Okay, that's three questions.
The answer to the first of your two questons: I don't know, I haven't talked to any of the parties involved today. I surreptiously saw enough of the scores to know we didn't win.
The answer to the second of your two question: Well, I could answer that two ways 1) Whatever kind are in my hands at the moment would include my own or 2) My hands are usually busy gropping myself somewhere else.
The answer to the third of your two questions(?) is above this post.
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The answer to the second of your two question: Well, I could answer that two ways 1) Whatever kind are in my hands at the moment would include my own or 2) My hands are usually busy gropping myself somewhere else.
The answer to the third of your two questions(?) is above this post.
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