Monday, September 12, 2005


Tell Me Where Your Mommy Buys Your Clothes and Then I'll Dress Like You

I figured something out this week, if you want people to look at your website, particularly if it's RSS indexed on other people's political blogs, it's probably a good idea to update them occasionally. I hadn't added anything new to BOJ News Service in 10 whole days and the numbers really suffered. OK, when you get right down to it, nothing is really at stake with BOJ News Service. I don't have any advertising and it doesn't make me any money. Apprently it doesn't impress potential employers enough to have the common decency to even acknowledge my existence. When you get right down to it, it's really just a colossal waste of my time. Don't get me wrong, my recent lack of updates has nothing to do with the pointlessness of the site, hell, I love pointlessness. My recent lack of updates has more to do with school having started up again and the fact that the major news story of the the day, hurricane Katrina and the totally screwed up relief effort, just isn't that funny.

I estimate that every posting on BOJ News Service takes about an hour, depending on the type of post is it is. A simple post that is just a balloon caption may take considerably less time, though I still have to find exactly the right photo that I'm looking for. Sometimes a political photo will just strike me as funny and I'll come up with something to do with it. Special thanks to President Bush for taking so many goofy photos. More thanks to every press photographer who insits to snap a photo every time a politico points at something, my legions of "Pull My Finger" fans thank you....

Busy week last week as I spent two days with eighth graders then an additional two days with ninth graders. I must point out that it's the boys in each of those groups that, for the most part, thend to be the problem. There's hardly anything sweeter than a ninth grade girl , they're so much more mature than their male counterparts. The boys still haven't figured out why they're in school, though some of them may actually figure it out before they graduate (or don't). I spent my Saturday as a line judge for volleyball. That was actually a lot of fun, they paid me way too much for the amount of actual work invovled and they even fed me. If they're not careful, I may do that again. Got a free meal out of my parents when after that, so all in all it was a good day.

In news closer to home (this is the part of the blog where I bitch about some unimportant aspect of my life) the washing machine on my floor has been on the blink since sometime on Saturday, the only action taken by the management has been to put a sign on it that it's out of order. Thanks, you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie. None of that has stopped me from doing three loads of laundry today, tying up every machine in the building. If they don't see the need to fix the machine on my floor, I don't see the need to be courteous to those on uneffected floors. Plus, I have to carry my clothes down a couple of flights of steps. OK, I'll try to be at lease a little courteous. Bitching complete, it's time to go down to first floor and carry my cmpleted wash to the dryer on third floor.


If you won more t-shirts you wouldn't have to do laundry so often. btw, I still don't have the shirt you signed! Or is said shirt in your possession and that's how you were able to put off doing laundry for one more day!?!
Yeah, you know, that thing you do with the water, the anionic and nonionic surfactants, stabilizers, buffering agents, electricity, centripetal force, heat and lots of air flow. And two large, boxy appliances. Or river rocks. Fragrance is optional. Personally, I like to add a little fresh lavender to the rinse water with the linens. It's ever so lovely.
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