Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Supreme Overlord

After the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing a lot of stuff came out about "militias" and domestic terrorists. I found a lot of this stuff really interesting, not because I agreed with them or anything but because it's always interesting to see how a twisted mind works. There seemed to be one reoccurring theme in most of the things I read, that the government thought we had too much freedom and was trying to figure out ways to take our personal freedoms from us.

One of the big things that concerned them was that in the time of an emergency the government was set up in such a way that they thought too much power was given to FEMA. FEMA, from their point of view, was the oppressive government waiting in the wings for control, that once an emergency was declared, FEMA would become the de facto government of the United States, a control that it would never relinquish, becoing the actual government of a new country in which it's citizens didn't enjoy any of the freedoms we have today.

I thought this stuff was all a big load of crap, of course, but can understand how deluded people could be concerned about one section of the government being given complete control. Our government is built on a system of checks and balances that prevent any branch from becoming too powerful. Giving that up, even in a time of national crisis seems un-american. Then came the "Patriot Act." OK, maybe this wasn't so far fetched, a lot of our personal freedoms were cut back a little. Still, the only noticable effect of the "Patriot Act" I ran into was have to jump through some more hoops than usual to open a checking account when I moved to Rapid City. Hardly an oppressive governemnt or the beginnings of totalitarianism. And nobody took my guns from me..

It's laugable now that anyone could have ever thought that FEMA, of all federal agencies, would be the ones to becoeme the oppressive shadow government. Overthrow the country? Hell, they couldn't get all of their assets into place for a disaster we knew was coming They couldn't prepare for a disaster, they couldn't manage a disaster in an area that is geographically a pretty small part of the country. If FEMA couldn't control the southern portions of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, how the hell would they ever control the whole country? FEMA proved they were just a bunch of screw-ups.

And until a few weeks ago they were led by Mike Brown. MIKE BROWN!!!! A lot of stuff came out about Mike Brown following Hurricane Katrina and his absolute mishandling of the situation, about how he wasn't qualified to head a federal agency in charge of emergency management. We all saw his resume, it was pretty obvious he wasn't qualified to be the head of FEMA, but the same resume also shows he really wasn't qualified to be in charge of an agency that was going to become the new governement. MIke Brown supreme overlord of the reformed United States? Get real!

Unless, of course, secret government weather experiments finally bore fruit, a killer hurricane was unleashed on the gulf coast and FEMA was sent in to deliberately foul up relief efforts. Yeah, Mike Brown was set up by the real secret director of FEMA to look like a boob, to make FEMA look like a bunch of boobs so that the militias would no longer suspect FEMA's true, sinister agenda, since the militias were just too close to the truth.....

I promise to never watch The X-Files again.


Now that it's Mega-Bitch Tuesday I'd like to say...hmmm, I don't seem to be upset about anything. Nevermind.
It really wasn't much of a bitch, was it. I'm so dissapointed in myself.....
Everything's a bitch. The X-Files is based on a true story. FEMA was set up to be in charge under certain circumstances, but was never properly manned or educated.
Life's a bitch, then you marry one, then you die. So much for my recurring nightmare of being a lesbian in Massachusetts. Then again, I've heard that all of us chicks are a mere backrub and a bottle of champagne away from the sapphic experience. I thought FEMA stood for Feminists Eat Men Alive. Btw, BOJ, you missed a kick-ass open mic at Cheers on Sunday.
Champagne and a backrub? Unless years of watching porno has steered me wrong that would do it.
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