Thursday, September 01, 2005


Search Results

I'm watching you...... Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, but I get little bits of information about the people who visit my blogs from a stat counting website. Don't worry, it's not much, but I can tell things like the site I was linked to from, which is nice as I like to return the courtesy to people who are swell enough to link to me. I can tell where the viewer is from with certain restrictions, though use of national ISP's like MSN or AOL really screw that up. AOL, for instance, lists the viewer as being from Brooklyn New York no matter where they're actually logging in from.

Those are the two things I look at most. Knowing where viewers were linked from is handy so that I can return the favor, but also so I can get an idea of what those viewers want. That's particularly cool for BOJ News Service since I'm dealing with humor. It gives me an idea of what is working humor-wise and what isn't. BOJ News Service is pretty trial and error particularly on subject matter.

Knowing the location of viewers is handy as well. BOJ News Service's concept was to be a South Dakota Graphic Political Blog. It's not that I don't want to get hits from out of state, but I wanted to make content that was interesting to South Dakotans. A particular post got on some national political blogs which got me a ton of hits over a two day period, but I was ultimately unsatisfied by those out of state hits as they weren't the people I was trying to reach.

So those are the useful things I get from I get other stuff too, one of my favorites is "Keyword Analysis," the words people type into a search engine that bring up one of my blogs as a result. Being graphic in nature, BOJ News Service doesn't generate a whole lot of search engine hits, though a while back a search of "Katherine Harris Photos" on Google would provide a link to BOJ News Service, and in the #4 position. I love the fact that someone doing research on Katherine Harris' Senate run, maybe a young newspaper reporter in Florida, looking for photos of the state's secretary of state would stumble upon this.

I'm not an idiot, I realize that a pretty good percentage of people who see this blog get here completely by accident. I actually love that, I love playing music for people I've never met and I love the opportunity to be read by people who don't know me. I check out the "Keyword Analysis" for the Globex Corporation Newsletter from time to time. Since I don't actually pay for Stat Counter's service, it only keeps the information from my last 100 hits. So, from the last 100 hits on the Globex Corporation Newsletter, here are my top search results with my explanation/rationalization for them:

Thomas Beaverson #8 Google - I've written a number of posts about Pastor Beaverson. In a Palm Sunday sermon, he expressed his wish that God would strike dead Judge George Greer (the Florida probate judge who ruled in the Schiavo case). I guess it's because Pastor Beaverson respects all life so much that he would want Greer dead.... or something..... I guess..... I'm confused. I'm not sure why anyone else would be looking for info on Pastor Tom, but I hope they read my posts.

Globex Driving School #6 MSN - I don't know if there is a driving school with the name of 'Globex' but that would seem to be the only explanation. See, this is the kind of stuff I love, person types something into a search engine, gets a completely non-relevent result but reads it anyway. My fault for using the words "driving" and "class" in a post on a blog with "Globex" in it's name. I hope that person had a good time here......

Array Unspecified Technorati - Technorati is a search engine that specifically searches blogs and lists most recent uses of a term. This is a strange one because they are to posts about John Thune (US Senator R-SD) and Aaron Voss (local guitarist and good guy). Head scratcher, and what the hell do you think you'll find if you search by one pretty common word?

Song: President's in Order #8 Yahoo - I do a song called I Know All the Presidents in Order, in fact I played it last night at an open mic. This hit was somewhat useful since I've been trying to track down the band that originaly did this song so I could credit them when I play it. Unfortunately there was another song of this type in the 20's that kids used to learn the names of the presidents. I still haven't found the song I'm looking for.

Mike Tice Jokes #1 Yahoo - Mike Tice is the (in my opinion, poor) coach of the Minnesota Vikings. I had been writing this blog for 3 days when I wrote a post about Mike Tice. In my links section there is a link called "harp player jokes." The two have nothing to do with each other, but they brought in a reader. Nice to see you.....

Willy Grigg Way down the list Google - Willy is a musician, not a 'musician' like me. He's a guy a know pretty well and we play a lot of the same open mics. Since I blog about the open mic scene a lot, someone looking for him will stumble upon my site. I'll try to say nice stuff from now on....

sturgis rally week 2005 blogs #45 Yahoo - I wrote some stuff about the Sturgis Motorcycle classic. For the record, I don't hate the rally and agree that it's great for the local economy. Some people are just assholes....

rhodes scholarship and blog #73 Yahoo - A friend from college received a Rhodes Scholarship. I was lamenting the fact that some grades aren't nescessarily a good indicator of intelligence, not in his case, but in many cases. Uh, my grades were less than spectacular.....

Bill Collectors + How to make a successful call Unspecified Yahoo - Man, some people have no idea how to search efficiently.

"everybody is on crack" lyrics #9 Google - I can only assume that someone was looking for lyrics to the song Everybody is on Crack by DVDA, the band consisting of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The song is listed on my top 100 most listened to songs on my mp3 player.

Globex #10 MSN - Hey, it's the name of my blog.

Globex Corporation #5 Yahoo - Ditto previous entry.

So there you have it. Her's how people have accidentally found me. I just realized that this is really going to screw up my ability to track keywords as people can use these links to artificially increase certain keywords. Curses! Global Domination will have to wait a couple more weeks....


Just a little hint to move along your global domination plot, start going to the bathroom with other guys. Ever notice how women always go to the bathroom together? You might think they're discussing innocuous things like lip gloss and pantyhose but they're actually furthering their own global domination plans.
Ummm. She said Domination.
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