Tuesday, September 20, 2005



I like to think there's a special
place in hell for scum like this
Two slime-balls who graduated from New Orleans' Loyola University Law School, Andrew Vicknair and Harold Ehrenberg, have filed the logo to your right with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Apparently they want to market alcoholic beverages under the Katrina name.

Lord knows I have no problem with alcoholic beverages and I am aware that there is a well known drink in New Orleans called a Hurricane. But nobody owns the term Hurricane. These guys want to copyright Katrina so they can make money off of it. They filed their paperwork on 4 September, while people were suffering and dying in the flooded city. I guess there's nothing quite so satisfying as stepping over dead bodies to make your fortune.

If good taste won't stop these people, I hope the U.S. Government will. I have little faith that this will happen as the U.S. Government has done nothing to stop the gouging that the oil companies are doing to the american public. I just heard that to justify the near $3.00 gas that you and I are paying, a barrell of crude oil would have to be selling for $75. Crude closed today at just over $60 a barrell. I understand that a lot of differnt products are refined from crude oil and that what products come from a barrell of crude will change depending on the time of the year. Still we are getting taken, and we are getting taken by big oil because lots of people died.

In my opinion there is nothing lower than a person who will profit off of tragedy. Whether you're trying to copyright the term Katrina or charging the public too much for a gallon of gas, you are the lowest of the low.


They're lawyers, BOJ!! You were expecting maybe a class act instead of class action?!?!
Bravo T1G! I couldn't have said it better myself.
I think if the government stopped them, that would be wrong. People have the right in a free market society to capitalize on others misfortunes.

But the question is 'will the public allow it?'

The counter-action to shady, immoral and just plan wrong business actions is the most important part of a free market economy. The consumer.

Now if people pay for this beer, well then our problems extend far beyond these two lawyers.
End edit to the above:

People have the right in a free market society to capitalize on others misfortunes.

Assuming that the people captializing are doing no physical harm to those who have experienced misfortune.

One could say that they are causing emmotional harm, but at the risk of being an ass, everything harms someone emmotionally.
Conscienceless materialistic pigs I hope they lose money over this dire idea!
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