Sunday, September 04, 2005


I Knew This Was Coming

Here's a fun game. I'll provide two quotes about the devastation along the gulf coast by hurricane Katrina. One was made by the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi led al Qaeda arm in Iraq, the other by the pastor of a Christian congregation from New Orleans, try to decide which is which:

The wrath of the All-powerful fell upon the nation of oppressors. Their dead are in the thousands and their losses are in the billions.

New Orleans now is abortion free. New Orleans now is Mardi Gras free. New Orleans now is free of Southern Decadence and the sodomites, the witchcraft workers, false religion -- it's free of all of those things now

Whether you call him Allah or Yaweh, God is pissed at America and has taken it out on New Orleans, answering the paryers of either Muslim extremeist terrorists or right wing Christian whack jobs. In either case lots of people are dead. Or, and stick with me on this, maybe a naturally occuring tropical wave pattern blew off of the west coast of africa, blown along to the west by the trade winds and picked up energy from the warm waters of the Atlantic ocean, rotation began due to the Coriolis effect and was able to continue to strenghthen due to the relatively smooth surface over which it travelled for thousands of miles in its developement, somewhat weakened by the traveling accross Florida but again picked up strength as it entered the warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico and eventually made landfall just to the east of New Orleans. I know, it sounds crazy, must be God answering the prayers of one extremist group or another.

I wanna be extreme. Where do I sign up for the brain surgery?
Chaos theory confirmed.
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