Sunday, August 21, 2005


That One Guy - That One Gal

Please don't hurt me for posting this photo.
For the record, I know who "That One Guy" is, though disclosing his identity would probably be hazordous to my health. I have no idea who "That One Gal" is (well actually, I have an idea, but that person is somebody I don't really know), but I'm sure enjoying the comments that have been flying around. Except from the spammers. How did that happen? Anyway, I'm not sure why That One Gal's comment on the post about extending your life by going topless didn't get posted, but it showed up in my email, so what the heck. I giggled.

Heavy water is not radioactively hot, by the way. The hydrogen in heavy water is an isotope known as deuterium (sp?), an isotope that contains an extra neutron, therby providing more mass for a fission reaction. My physics is a little rusty, so don't use any of my info to start your own fission reaction at home. I never imagined that a post about The Battle of the Network Reality Stars would provide such debate on nuclear physics, but what the heck. I giggled.

With the physics discussion out of the way, I'm proud to announce that I attended a demolition derby at the fair this afternoon and rooted for someone who was going by the name of "Big Bad Bubba." Though I'm tempted to start a discussion of The Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter, I'll leave that for another time. It's hard to beat cars smashing into each other on a Sunday afternoon, particularly when none of them are mine.

It's off to the open mic in a little while. Have a new idea for Mojo that I've worked out the lyrics on, hopefully it will fit the discussed guitar (and bass?) part.


So, what's your idea 'bout who I am, BOJ? We have met but it was some time ago. You were playing under the guise of Patient 957 at the time. You seemed impressed that I preferred dark beer and that I knew that zymology is the term for beer brewing, not a description of something kinky that is done behind closed doors. What impressed you the most, though, was when I was telling an amusing little story containing the word "weiniecheeks". When I said the aformentioned word, TSA nearly passed the beverage he was drinking through his nose. You nearly fell off your barstool! I really felt that I was accepted as one of the guys that night. It remains a fond memory.
BOJ, ya gotta be careful with the heavy water 'cause it's heavy. You could get hurt. Physics really is fun but I think the only people who get it are Daoist monks.
So I have met That One Gal, which completely destroys my previous theory - unless That One Gal was in RC from Brookings. Almost assured is that the meeting took place at Cheers since TSA and playing with P957 are mentioned. No mention of Brian, so it was a long time ago. Then again, no mention of JB either so I guess that doesn't prove anything. Your Nomme de Blog (term courtesy of Bill Harlan at the RC Journal) suggests you are female. The ladies tended to steer pretty clear of us, that would seem to decrease the sample size some. I vaguely recall discussion of zymology, but with TSA now brewing his own, every Sunday night turns into a discussion of zymology. You'd think I'd remember "weiniecheeks," pretty vividly, but it kind of surpised me last night again, again I had been drinking and again I nearly fell out of my chair, though my chair last night much lower than the one when the story was originally told.

OK, so I don't know who you are. I do know who That One Guy is though. I'll stand by that, though I recently had a discussion with someone about a That One Guy and realized we were talking about completely different people.....
Of course, the important question is, did you think the chick from Brookings was cute/funny/smart/hot? Cuz if you did, I'd be happy to go along with that for the time being! If there was a more private way to disclose my true identity to you I'd 'fess up. I enjoy posting as that 1 gal, the anonimity frees me to be as geeky and weird as I truly am.
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