Monday, June 20, 2005


Sub-Asian Bukkake Girl

Sometimes you play music and nobody notices. It's happened, I've seen it happen to musicians with ridiculous amounts of talent the type of talent I'd do almost anything for. Talent doesn't have a whole lot to do with someone paying attention to you or not. God knows I'm proof of that!

And I guess the Slappy is Jebus boys proved it again tonight. I think we started our set at Cheers with a little bit of an attitude. We've been practicing wholesome material, stuff that would do well with the audience at the Heritage Festival, stuff that won't cause the family oriented crowd to run us out of town with pitchforks and torches. Cheers, now Cheers is a different story. There aren't too many kids in Cheers at 9pm on a Sunday night, so we opened up with the two most notable songs we had to drop out of our Heritage Festival set list, Vibrator Dependent and Two Condoms. Vibrator Dependent starts right in with the whackiness in the very first line, so people know what they're in for. Women are raising glasses to me as I sing, a group at a back table chuckling at every line. Follwoing that up with Two Condoms works because it almost seems like it's serious for half of a verse (my absolute maximum of being able to be serious in a song I wrote), but then starts being whacky again. We followed that up with Are You Drinkin' With Me Jesus, more silliness then we went into Weird Al's You Don't Love Me Anymore. I'm starting to enjoy introing this song as serious, the sweet harp solo setting the mood, selling the seriousness until we get to the line, "that night you made it with the whole hockey team." It's fun to watch the reactions, people not believing what they just heard, then it's "You used to think I was nice, now you tell all your friends that I'm the anti-christ." After that I sing it every bit as sincere, but nobody's buying it, they know it's just stupid. For Slappy is Jebus, stupid is good. We finished with our only "serious" song of the night, Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive. It's sort of the opposite of You Don't Love Me Anymore, TSA with his Weekly World News "Ten Songs that Will Turn You Gay" intro. It's goofy, people are expecting goofy, they want goofy, but I play a mellow harp intro and sing the first verse sweetly, then it's all 957-style. It's played seriously, but in a style you wouldn't expect.

I'm lucky enough to play music with TSA, not only is he a fine musician, but he gets humor. Not just joke telling, but timing and presentation. He gets why things are funny and is willing to fine tune them for the biggest giggle. I don't think either of us will ever blow people away with our musical talent, but we'll get folks to giggle. We'll work hard for that giggle, but we'll get it. That's all I'm looking for.

It was great to see Brian at Cheers tonight, he joined us on I Will Survive. Every bit as important was the table conversation he provided. This blog's title is from a comment he made. I told him I'd use it tonight and typed it less than two minutes after I walked back in the door. If Joe Buckholz had shown to Cheers tonight, he, TSA, Brian and I were going to perform Anti Love Song together. If JB comes back to visit this summer, we decided it would be cool to play together once. The one 957 reunion was short Brian as he was in an "undisclosed location" at the time. JB was just trying to get some girl to sleep with him. No offense to JB, but it's a cooler and more 957-ish story that it didn't work. Still it was fun to play together again and I think a full reunion would be a lot of fun.

Went geocaching with my dad and sister today. Mom was along, but she stayed at the car. If you've never geocached, check it out, it's a lot of fun. There's even a geocaching link on this very site! Hit two caches in the Strato Bowl area, Strato Cache II and Just a Quarter Mile More that were relatively easy and the views of the Strato Bowl and Spring Creek Canyon were amazing. We didn't see any wildlife other than some turkey buzzards riding thermals above the canyon but they were fascinating enough. The final cache, Boulder Hill Fire Lookout may have been the toughest cache I've done. A tangle of boulders on the way to a 200 foot climb. There was a relatively small area where the cache could have been hidden, but the boulders provided inumberable hiding places. Never mind that my 66 year old father beat me up the mountain, but as I was sitting there, completely beat, unable to think straight from fatigue and ready to give up, he found the cache. Uh, I let him find it, it was Fathers' Day after all.....


Well, I won't lie and say I wasn't disappointed when I read this post, since I was hoping for some pictures and ----

The Department of Homeland Security has deleted the remainder of this comment out of common decency. Ewink will be prompty shipped to Gitmo via FedEx. End Communication.
Years from now when I run for office in my own attempt at global domination I'll be thwarted by some reporter who digs up this one little incident from a bar years in the past where a not so PC comment was made! All thanks to your blog, and a little beer. Just go ahead and have the global domination business all to yourself then. I guess I'll just have to settle for wandering the post apocolyptic wasteland left by your sinister rise to power in my souped up car battling with roving bands of bloodthirsty bandits dressed up like refugees from an early eighties heavy metal video who are willing to kill for just a little bit of gas.

Thanks a lot BOJ

(Ok, so I just caught The Road Warrior on TV)
I'm supposed to run for the office of Global Overlord? I've been going about this Global Domination thing all wrong. Where do I get the petition to get on the ballot?
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