Sunday, June 12, 2005


Keep it in the Family

Keep it in the Family
Originally uploaded by Blind Orange Julius.
Ernie Banks used to say "let's play two!" He was the shortstop for the Cubs starting in the fifties, and loved to play baseball so much that he never complained about a playing a double header. Never mind that he is arguably the greatest baseball player to never play in the post season, that the Cubs teams he played for were horrible. None of that mattered, he went out every day with a smile on his face, gave it his all and was always willing to play one more.

Boy was Ernie Banks hardcore. We played two tonight, poker games that is. Ernie Banks undoubtedly took some drubbings in double headers in his career but always came back for more. I get a feeling of what that must have felt like tonight as the first poker game went so quickly that we decided to play another. I did my part to make it go quickly, even though I wasn't the first out, a family member was, and only by a few hands. Six handed Texas Hold Them done in less than two hours. I should mention that Tim was the winner, ending up in a showdown with Corrin.

Let's play two. TSA's roomie Dave showed up for the second game. A seven handed Texas Grasp Those game didn't last a whole lot longer than the first game. This time I was the first out, though a family member did not follow by too many hands. Surprise, surprise, Tim and Corrin ended up in the showdown again, Corrin getting her revenge this time.

So there's two photos of winners' stuff this week. In case there's any confusion, the Hooter's bottle opener is a possession of Tim's. I just wanted to clear that up.

I guess it's time for me to spring for that Doyle Brunson how to play poker book I saw at Border's on Tuesday night.......


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