Friday, June 24, 2005


Heritage Festival Set List

Slappy Is Jebus
Originally uploaded by Blind Orange Julius.
Hey Slapp-O-Holics! Here's the set list for the Slappy is Jebus performance at the Black Hills Heritage Festival in Rapid City on the 4th of July at 7pm. As an added bonus I'll add a comment or two on each song.

  • You Don't Love Me Anymore ("Weird" Al Yankovich)
    It sounds nice and sweet, but is just plain goofy. We'll just jump straight into it without any explanation. It's a good indication of what will be happening over the next hour

  • Plastic Jesus (Public Domain)
    A great fun song that hopefully I'll be able to get TSA to sing a verse (or two) on.

  • The Universe Song (Monty Python)
    It looks like early on we're trying to fool people into thinking we're somewhat serious musicians. The last verse of this song should dispel any notion of that.

  • Me and Julio (Paul Simon)
    TSA thought we'd sound good doing this song. He was right. I'd also like to point out that we're twelve minutes into the show when we start this song, and it's the first thing we'll do that isn't some kind of joke.

  • Wyle E. Coyote Blues ("Blind Orange" Julius)
    All right, back to the whackiness. A song comparing my relationship troubles to the adventures of a cartoon canine. Silly, as we often say on stage, "This is a true story."

  • Who's Been Talkin' (Howlin' Wolf)
    The start of the blues section of our show. One of the first SIJ tunes as it was one I knew and could teach to TSA pretty easily as we scrambled for material early on.

  • Rollin' & Tumblin' (Muddy Waters)
    Hot Damn! Now we're talkin'! One of the coolest songs ever written and with a wealth of verses floating around out there, I never know exactly how I'm going to do this song any time we do it.

  • Are You Drinkin' With Me Jesus (Mojo Nixon / Country Dick Montana)
    Since we can't do our other Mojo Nixon song at this show, this should be fun. This is also about as 'edgy' as we'll be getting at this show.

  • Treat Me Like a Dog ("Blind Orange" Julius)
    I wrote this song for a young lady I was dating, actually having a car accident while trying to write a verse of it. TSA really turned this into something special with his twelve-string work. I suck as a songwriter, but he bails me out time and time again.

  • Locomotive Breath (Jetro Tull)
    Again, something TSA though we would sound good doing. Again he's right.

  • Behind Blue Eyes (Instrumental) (The Who)
    The only problem with this song is that someone will invariably want to sing on it. Oh, well.

  • I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)
    One of ten songs proven to clinically turn you gay if herd on the radio. Thankfully this is a live performance, everyone is safe.

  • Brian Wilson (Barenaked Ladies)
    A song I always wanted to do in 957, but it just never worked out. TSA learned it in about 5 minutes and after that it became a SIJ staple.

  • Born to Run (Bruce Springsteen)
    An acoustic version of the Springsteen classic and the newest SIJ tune. I really like the way this sounds going into the big finale.

  • Got My Mojo Workin'/The Story of One Chord (Muddy Waters / Mojo Nixon)
    Am I the only one who see's the irony of doing a Mojo Nixon song in the middle of a song called Got My Mojo Workin'? This song is so cool. If we get people to sing along, it'll be even that much cooler.

    There it is. And now the fine print:

    set list subject to change
    objects on stage may appear closer than they actually are
    if for any reason you are dissatisfied, please return unused portion of performance for a full refund


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