Saturday, April 30, 2005


This Week's Song

With Ken away on his honeymoon and the Songwriters Invitational in full swing, I don't have any mp3's of this past week's performance. That's two weeks now. I really liked last week's selection, DVDA's Now You're a Man, if I could figure out some way to make it sound cool on 12 string and harmonica, it would be worthwhile for us to do. I don't think it would ever work, though.

So this week I've added a song from a couple of weeks ago at Dunn Bros. We hadn't played this in a really long time (if ever, together), but TSA walked in to the coffee shop and asked how it went. We worked on it in the back room until it was time for us to play. I think we got through it OK. I blew the third verse, TSA forgot the stupid little ending I've put on it, but it turned out OK. We did it again this last week for the Invitational and it went much better. Please imagine this song without errors and you'll have a pretty good idea of what we sounded like this week.

I'm trying to get TSA down to Borders tonight. It's a smoke free environment that he could take Erica to. She still hasn't seen us really play, his house or my sister's basement don't really count. We're a little different when we get in front of people we don't know, we tend to get a little goofier than we would otherwise. Believe me, that works with the music we do. So hopefully Borders tonight, followed by Cheers tomorrow night.

We may sit in with Mike Reardon at the Chophouse on Friday. TSA gets off work late, but I can show up a little earlier. Maybe the three of us can do a couple of tunes together at the end. There are a couple of tunes that are really improved by adding Mike's lead work and vocals. In fact, I'm listening to one of them right now.


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