Wednesday, April 13, 2005


This is not the XYZ School District Bitch Blog

So I almost spilled the beans today. A student who I've had in several classes wanted to show me some cartoons that he'd downloaded for a project. Funny stuff. He also told me a really cool joke that I need to use on stage some time. Back to the cartoons, I was about to tell him that I did some digital cartooning and was going to tell him about the good old Globex Corporation Newsletter. That probably would have been a bad idea. I'm not ashamed of anything I post here and while I don't make a concious effort to keep it clean, I'm not spewing filth. This blog tends to be just slightly less colorful in it's language than I am in my actual speech. None of that is the problem. What is a problem is that I tend to write about things having to do with my work. I don't always refer to faculty, staff or administration in the most admirable terms. I've been known to slam the occasional student for acting like an idiot. Hey, it's my blog, I can do whatever I want. On the other hand, this blog isn't for specifically doing those kinds of things. Like I said in my last post, a lot of times this is just a place that I bitch. Like anyone in the world of work, I sometimes bitch about my job.

I guess my point is that I don't need to tell students, faculty or staff about my blog. If someone stumbles across it, fine. In case you haven't figured it out by now, my parents did not give me the name "Blind Orange" Julius. That gives me a level of plausible deniability. If someone stumble across the site, they most likely won't put two and two together anyway.

On the other hand, it is pretty well known by friends and family that I sometimes refer to myself as BOJ. I use the name on a political blog as well, where my digital cartoons often end up. There's the possibility that some of my cartoons may end up in the local paper. If that happens, I'll try to keep BOJ as my signature there as well. It's not a secret that I'm "Blind Orange" Julius, it's just that sometimes I prefer to keep a level of anonymity. It would never hold up to very deep digging, but it's not really intended to. If you really want to find out my real name (those of you who don't know) it's not to tough to do. I did it on accident one time.

So back to spilling the beans. If that same student were surfing the net one evening and found the Globex Corporation Newsletter, he'd most likely surf by. Failing that, if he found something that interested him, a digital cartoon or the like, he most likely wouldn't figure out who I am. If he were to read this post, he most likely wouldn't know that it was him I was referring to in this very sentence. Since this blog isn't called the XYZ School District Bitch Blog he, another student, staff or administration isn't going to know it's about the XYZ School District.

And that's the way it should be. I'm not trying to change the administration of the school district I work in, I'm just an employee, generally gruntled, though sometimes disgruntled, who is venting into cyber-space. Bitching about my job isn't the primary aim of this blog, though some weeks it may seem that is. No, this is mainly about bitching about my life, the job is just a small part of that.


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