Saturday, April 02, 2005
Thanks, Saudis!
I drove from Long Beach back to Rapid City a couple of years ago. I didn't have a full tank of gas when I left, but prices were pretty high in my area, so I figured I could pick up gas a little cheaper on the drive out. Garden Grove, Anaheim, San Bernadino, they were all pretty high. I new that once I climbed out of the LA basin and drove across the mojave that prices would get higher, but I hadn't used much gas on this early part of my trip and figured I could get as far as Vegas. At that time, anyway, gas was usually a little cheaper in Vegas. So I hit Barstow, gas was pretty high, luckily there were a few places to stop between there and Vegas and I thought I could make it all the way. As I came down the big hill and crossed the state line into Nevada, it was pretty clear that I wasn't going to make it into Vegas on one tank of gas so I pulled into a Chevron station in the border gaming town of Primm.
At this point I had never paid more than $2 for a gallon of gas. I'd seen prices that high, but had been able to avoid paying that much. That was something I was pretty proud of. Well, my little stop in Primm set my personal record for price paid for a gallon of gas, $2.369. I guess if you're gonna break a record, you might as well smash it.
I realize that other parts of the country are paying a lot more for gas than we are here in Rapid City. People are regularly paying more than the border gouging I received in Primm, but this is Rapid City, SD. We had never seen over $2 a gallon here until a couple of weeks ago, and it's been climbing steadily since. Last I checked, it was $2.219 at most every station. Since all of the gas in this town is supplied by a handful of crooks, the prices are always in line at the major retailers.
I know it's higher other places, so I'm not complaining about the price I'm paying for gas, but the price that we all are. I was gouged in Primm, NV a couple of years ago, Rapid City is regularly gouged by a crook named Gil Moyle (among others, I used to work for Moyle, so I know what an ass he is). But now we're all being systematically gouged by OPEC.
It was my understanding that one of the justifications for the first Gulf War was a fear that Hussein, after conquering Kuwait, would move into Saudi Arabia. Geez, if today's gas prices are the way the Saudis thank us when we save their asses from an insane dictator, I'd hate to see what happens if we ever piss them off! Face it, they owe us. The Bush family has helped prop up this corrupt dictatorship, don't fool yourself, that's what the Saudis are. Are the Bushes that poor at business that they aren't getting anything in return? I mean, it's pretty obvious that W is, but his dad seemed to be a little more on the ball than that.
At this point I had never paid more than $2 for a gallon of gas. I'd seen prices that high, but had been able to avoid paying that much. That was something I was pretty proud of. Well, my little stop in Primm set my personal record for price paid for a gallon of gas, $2.369. I guess if you're gonna break a record, you might as well smash it.
I realize that other parts of the country are paying a lot more for gas than we are here in Rapid City. People are regularly paying more than the border gouging I received in Primm, but this is Rapid City, SD. We had never seen over $2 a gallon here until a couple of weeks ago, and it's been climbing steadily since. Last I checked, it was $2.219 at most every station. Since all of the gas in this town is supplied by a handful of crooks, the prices are always in line at the major retailers.
I know it's higher other places, so I'm not complaining about the price I'm paying for gas, but the price that we all are. I was gouged in Primm, NV a couple of years ago, Rapid City is regularly gouged by a crook named Gil Moyle (among others, I used to work for Moyle, so I know what an ass he is). But now we're all being systematically gouged by OPEC.
It was my understanding that one of the justifications for the first Gulf War was a fear that Hussein, after conquering Kuwait, would move into Saudi Arabia. Geez, if today's gas prices are the way the Saudis thank us when we save their asses from an insane dictator, I'd hate to see what happens if we ever piss them off! Face it, they owe us. The Bush family has helped prop up this corrupt dictatorship, don't fool yourself, that's what the Saudis are. Are the Bushes that poor at business that they aren't getting anything in return? I mean, it's pretty obvious that W is, but his dad seemed to be a little more on the ball than that.