Monday, April 18, 2005


Multiple Educator Disorder

I was four people today, how many were you? So I signed up for a couple of days at the middle school this week. I was under the impression that they were full days, but apparently not. Never fear, I got called to sub for three different people at the high school before I was even done with the middle school. As far as that goes, when I got to the high school I was asked if I could sub the next day for a math teacher in the high school. So now my two half days that were supposed to by full days have, through the magic of poor planning, become full days again. Not that I'm complaining, I would complain but it's never done any good.

I had to show my dad how to put the names on tracks on his iTunes program today. First I showed him the hard way, entering the track name, artist and album name using the keyboard. He seemed to thing that was OK and wanted to do the next CD we put into the drive. That's when I showed him CDDB, the track name database. A click of the mouse and all of that information is entered automatically. It's not too often that I see him actually impressed by technology, but when something that took us about 15 minutes to do by hand was accomplished in just a couple of seconds through the magic of the internet, he was quite pleased. My folks think I'm some sort of computer wiz, but after spending the morning in a 7th grade computer class, I'm going to look like my dad to these kids when I'm my dad's age. That's the way it goes I guess. By then there'll be some sort of brain wave recognition program that will be able to pull CD track names out of my head or something. I'll think it's the most amazing thing ever, but these kids will sneer at me and think I'm an idiot. Then the same thing will happen to them when the next generation comes along, think their mp3's are no comparisson to the new direct to the cranium streaming video. The one thing I do know is that all new interntet technology will be ultimately driven by our need to download porn faster.

And you know I'm really getting mad about that. I'm not getting my porn fast enough. I remember when Coor's started selling their beer in the wide mouth bottles, I guess I wasn't getting the beer into my body fast enough. And when I watch a baseball game, it's good that the score is up there constantly, God forbid that I watch the game for long enough to see any of the action while I'm surfing by. Hey, I can't wait until the middle of the inning to get the score, I've got 118 other channels to watch. Who knows, there might be something good on.

Which reminds me, in the bar last night the Sunday night ESPN baseball game was 0-0 after 9 innings. See what happens when you take steroids out of the game? Is everybody happy? Bloody do-gooders in congress! On the other hand, Sammy Sosa's head can now turn more than eight degrees left or right.

Which again reminds me, GW Bush was owner of the Texas Rangers when they traded Sosa and pitcher Wilson Alverez to the White Sox for Harold Baines. At first he blamed the deal on "Bad Intelligence," if we ever find out that Sosa is using steroids, as unbelievable as that may seem, I'm sure W's spin will change to he got rid of Sosa because he knew he was on the 'roids.

Hey, this rambling business is fun. I should sit down not knowing what to write more often....


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