Wednesday, April 20, 2005


It's a Family Thing

So I've been accused lately, not so much of not writing about others when they win the fake money, but about writing too much about myself when I am THE ULTIMATE TEXAS HOLD 'EM POKER CHAMPION OF THE SATURDAY NIGHT POKER EXTRAVAGANZA. OK, so maybe I did play up my flawless play a little bit, but I was champion for two whole weeks. That's right, nobody could beat me at poker for 14 days, nearly one 25th of a year. Undefeated. Unbeaten, untied. Easily the equal of Doyle Brunson or Phil Ivey or that other poker guy, you know that asian dude who's good at cards.

I'm actually quite pleased that TSA was the winner this week, he's having nearly as much fon on his blog as I did on mine during my unprecidented, unequaled, unbelieveable string of poker successes. Check his out, you get to pick what he's going to spend the fake money on. I voted to help "Probe Victims." I guess Slappy is Jebus has more fake money than any band in music today. Maybe we should pool our winnings and buy a fake PA.

I was in at the high school today at 7am, kids waiting at my door to serve detention. Any kid willing to be there before me is OK with me. They were extremely well behaved too. And yet, not nearly as well behaved at 10 of the 11 students who had to spend the whole day with me in In School Suspension, or ISS. I couldn't have more pleased with the 10, so much so that I'm not going to dwell on what a complete ass the 11th was. One girl showed up and worked hard even though no teachers had sent any assignments for her. No assignments were sent because the guy in charge screwed up the paperwork and scheduled her for today even though he had told all of her teachers she would be serving on the 25th. We found stuff for her to do, got assignments from her teacher which she pleasently completed. What more could I ask for. Everyone else was good as well. And it had nothing to do with me, it was all the kids.

Yet, I do have to commend my sister for the work she does. When you have a class that is good it's half the kids and it's half their regular teacher. I was actually a little late for detention this morning because I saw the teacher of the class I had subbed for the day before and told him to pass on my compliments to his kids. He said they were good kids. I said he was a good teacher. Apparently my sister, who runs ISS normally, is good at what she does as well.

Interestingly, my mother held the same position for a number of years and had the kids in pretty good shape. Her years of hard work were nearly destroyed by the lackluster performer who followed her. My sister took over for my mother's replacement after a little more than a year. She hasn't been doing it for too long but apparently things are back to our family's high standards. Hey, I just spent half a day in there, but I'm proud to have been part of the dynasty. I guess my niece knows exactly what job she'll be holding down at the school in 20 years......


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