Saturday, April 16, 2005


Advice I Have No Business Offering

The World Famous Rapid Sign
Originally uploaded by Blind Orange Julius.
It's a beautiful spring day in Rapid City, South Dakota, and even if I did get my first taste of outside today at the city dump, at least I was unloading yard waste instead of garbage. It was tree branches, not decomposing vegetable matter swiming in a liquid that defies description.

Hey, what lovely images to start my day with! Worked at the high school again yesterday. Again if was for a planned absence by the teacher. Those are the easiest days for me because the teacher has something planned that they think a moron could handle. Enter the moron! Anyway, I showed a movie on the Great Barrier Reef to 5 different classes. Actually, the movie was great, even on my fifth viewing. The students weren't nearly as impressed as me. Hey that's OK, I remember what it was like to be that age. I held conversation to a minimum and basically kept everyone out of trouble. If they get in trouble they actually get sent to my sister. I love my sister, but I don't wish that on anyone.....

Julian was out at my folks house, so I went out there after work. He's almost seven months old now, and seems to be getting bigger every day. I swear he'll be walking any day, too. He doesn't crawl, not because he isn't strong enough, but because every time he gets into a crawling position, he tries to get his feet flat on the floor. He doesn't see us crawling around, so I think he has any interest in doing that. Good for him, but boy is he going to be a handful when he can walk anywhere he wants to. It's time like this when I'm glad I'm just the uncle. I get to spend all the time I want with him, but when he starts to get into trouble, I can just leave and there's plenty of people left to take care of him.

I'd like to write something to TSA, offering support and encouragement. I've been exactly where he is, but I don't have any answers. Things happen or they don't. The only advice I would have is not to try to make things happen, but to let them happen. The inverse is true as well, don't do anything to prevent things from happening.

Belive me, I'm the last person who should be offering advice in situations like this. I've got a failed marriage and a string of two month or less relationships scattered about in the 14 years since. All I know is that after my divorce, I was still interested in women, but I sure wasn't interested in a relationship for about two years. When I was, I smothered the woman I was involved with, not literally, but it might as well have been. I can't believe how clingy I was. After that I went to the opposite extreme. Apathy doesn't work in a relationship, it's pretty much the antithesis of being in a relationship. I eventually mellowed out, found a happy medium and had a relatively normal relationship with a skanky girl. If you've heard my music, you know who I'm talking about.


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