Tuesday, March 22, 2005
So I wonder if Pastor Beaverson wants God to strike the Federal Judge dead who refused to reinsert the feeding tube into Terri Schiavo? He did want the judge who removed it on Friday struck dead, along with all the judges who allow gay marriages and abortions.
Judges in cases like this are only interpreting the law, law that was created by legislative bodies, bodies that were elected and representing the population. Judges then look at a law when conflict arises. Sometimes it's found that the law itself is illegal, being in conflict with the state or federal constitution. In any case, the judge isn't working with his personal feelings, he's looking at that conflict, deciding if the law is valid or not. Any judge who agreed that a law was constitutional but struck it down anyway because of his personal beliefs shouldn't be a judge anymore. That's not the way the judicial system is supposed to work in this country.
In the same manner, Pastor Beaverson believes pornography is wrong. The courts have continually allowed pornographic material under First Amendment protection. If Pastor Beaverson didn't fight against it, just because it's legal, he shouldn't be an LCMS pastor anymore.
The difference is that I've never heard a judge say that they wish Pastor Beaverson would be struck dead.
I happen to agree with the judge in the Florida case. Terri Schiavo's husband says she wanted to die. Even if that is complete hogwash, he is her legal guardian. Unless Terri can tell a doctor that she wants to continue to be kept alive, it is up to her husband to make those decisions. That's it. It's over. It's pretty cut and dried.
Or at least it would be if the Governor of the state this is all happening in wasn't the President's brother. It would be over if the attention drawn to this case by that fact hadn't turned it into a political circus. What the hell was congress doing rushing back into session on a Sunday night to create and pass legislation aimed at just one person? Political grandstanding at the highest level.
So I wonder if Pastor Beaverson wants God to strike me dead because I don't agree with him. That's the thing about hate. It's a whole lot easier to wish something horrible on someone you don't know.......
Judges in cases like this are only interpreting the law, law that was created by legislative bodies, bodies that were elected and representing the population. Judges then look at a law when conflict arises. Sometimes it's found that the law itself is illegal, being in conflict with the state or federal constitution. In any case, the judge isn't working with his personal feelings, he's looking at that conflict, deciding if the law is valid or not. Any judge who agreed that a law was constitutional but struck it down anyway because of his personal beliefs shouldn't be a judge anymore. That's not the way the judicial system is supposed to work in this country.
In the same manner, Pastor Beaverson believes pornography is wrong. The courts have continually allowed pornographic material under First Amendment protection. If Pastor Beaverson didn't fight against it, just because it's legal, he shouldn't be an LCMS pastor anymore.
The difference is that I've never heard a judge say that they wish Pastor Beaverson would be struck dead.
I happen to agree with the judge in the Florida case. Terri Schiavo's husband says she wanted to die. Even if that is complete hogwash, he is her legal guardian. Unless Terri can tell a doctor that she wants to continue to be kept alive, it is up to her husband to make those decisions. That's it. It's over. It's pretty cut and dried.
Or at least it would be if the Governor of the state this is all happening in wasn't the President's brother. It would be over if the attention drawn to this case by that fact hadn't turned it into a political circus. What the hell was congress doing rushing back into session on a Sunday night to create and pass legislation aimed at just one person? Political grandstanding at the highest level.
So I wonder if Pastor Beaverson wants God to strike me dead because I don't agree with him. That's the thing about hate. It's a whole lot easier to wish something horrible on someone you don't know.......